Results 301–320 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Sarah Murphy -speaker:Adam Price -speaker:Joyce Watson -speaker:Julie James

3. Statement by the First Minister: Cabinet Appointments (19 May 2021)

Mark Drakeford: ...statement in the second half of this summer term. I'm grateful for what Andrew Davies said about the agriculture Bill. He will remember that in the previous Senedd we agreed, partly because of representations from opposition parties, that the powers we took through the UK agriculture Bill would be time-limited—that there would be a sunset clause. Now, I think that was the right thing to...

3. Nomination of the First Minister under Standing Order 8 (12 May 2021)

Andrew RT Davies: to congratulate Natasha Asghar, the first lady of colour to come into this Chamber, and I'm sure many will follow in her footsteps, just like her father as well. And we can be proud of the representation that's here, reaching out across the aisle, across all parties, to see the new blood that has come in along with the returning blood that generally has the best interests of Wales at...

24. Closing Statements (24 Mar 2021)

Suzy Davies: ...tension between Government and Parliament yesterday, and that is when this Senedd has been at its best and our constituents are well served. And that's when it's felt good to be here. But we've not always had that. We, the Senedd, represent the people; we're not just the awkward squad. We need to make good law, rights needs remedies, and the long-standing executive has forgotten our role...

22. Short Debate: Children's Hospices — A lifeline fund for Wales (24 Mar 2021)

Vaughan Gething: ...principles and minimum standards, and again is supported by £1 million of additional funding. That framework has been overseen by the national bereavement steering group, which has both hospice representation and children and young people's bereavement charities included within its membership. Finally, I do want to pay tribute to the vital role of all of our hospice staff, both for adults...

8. Motion to amend Standing Orders: Departure from the European Union (24 Mar 2021)

Mark Reckless: ...short report that went to Business Committee. It says, 'Had the committee'—and this is the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee— 'Had the committee consider that it did not, it could make written representations—'.  That relates to subsidiarity. I assume that sentence should read, 'Had the committee considered that it did not, it could have made representations—'....

3. The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 (24 Mar 2021)

3. The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021

3. The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 (24 Mar 2021)

Ann Jones: Item 3 on the agenda this afternoon is the Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021, and I call on the Minister for Housing and Local Government to move the motion—Julie James.

3. The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 (24 Mar 2021)

Julie James: Diolch, Llywydd. I move the motion to approve the Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021. The Order makes technical changes to the process for nominating candidates for the Senedd elections scheduled for 6 May. The changes set the deadline for nominations as 4 p.m. on 8 April, so that nominations can be processed and published in a timely fashion, and enable...

3. The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 (24 Mar 2021)

Motion NDM7681 Rebecca Evans To propose that the Senedd, in accordance with Standing Order 27.5: 1. Approves The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 laid in the Table Office on 17 March 2021.

6. Statement by the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip: The Wales Race Equality Action Plan — an anti-racist Wales (23 Mar 2021)

Jane Hutt: ...that's why it's so important that we've actually, in a sense, enabled black, Asian and minority ethnic people to create, to actually guide us and steer this plan, to the point where we believe it's not just going to be another plan, another strategy—it's going to be a plan that's shaped by the lived experience of black, Asian and minority ethnic people in Wales. And to have a plan that...

6. Statement by the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip: The Wales Race Equality Action Plan — an anti-racist Wales (23 Mar 2021)

Jane Hutt: ..., local government, public bodies and business. I'm glad that I've been able to share the draft plan ready for consultation with the shadow social partnership council, where, of course, we have not only trade unions but employers, the Confederation of British Industry, the Federation of Small Businesses, the private sector, as well as the third sector, embracing the plan and recognising...

3. Statement by the First Minister: COVID-19: One Year On (23 Mar 2021)

Andrew RT Davies: ...with the First Minister, but it is a fact that, as a country of 3 million people, everyone has played their part in facing down the virus, and, as the First Minister's pointed out, we're not out of the woods yet, but certainly we've put a lot of that dark undergrowth behind us, and the spring looks a lot brighter than it did a couple of weeks ago. With that in mind, First Minister, if I...

2. Business Statement and Announcement (23 Mar 2021)

Rebecca Evans: Diolch, Llywydd. There are two changes to tomorrow's agenda. The debate on the Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 has been reduced to five minutes, and the debate on the Welsh Elections (Miscellaneous Provisions) Order 2021 has been withdrawn. 

9. Plaid Cymru Debate: NHS Pay Review (17 Mar 2021)

Rhun ap Iorwerth: ...would amount to a real-terms cut in their wages, in order to make it entirely clear that we wouldn't accept a settlement such as that here. We are calling on the Welsh Government to make further representations to the NHS pay review body, supporting a fair wage for staff. We're also expanding the motion to include care staff. Plaid Cymru wants to integrate health and care by having a...

3. Questions to the Senedd Commission: Flexible Working and Job Sharing (17 Mar 2021)

Bethan Sayed: .... As I've outlined recently in the context of the Senedd and Elections (Wales) Bill, job sharing is something that we need to consider in order to provide further opportunities for more diverse representation and a political environment that is more family friendly. As this isn't now on the agenda in terms of elections, the Commission could take a lead in this area in terms of promoting...

2. Questions to the Minister for Education: Support for Teachers (17 Mar 2021)

Paul Davies: ...overlooked during the pandemic. The National Procurement Service's supply teachers framework has the potential to improve pay and conditions for supply teachers, but I understand that schools are not required to use agencies that have met the requirements of the framework, which means that there is still a patchwork of support for supply teachers, as not all supply teachers receive the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd: Changes to Taxation Policy (17 Mar 2021)

Rhianon Passmore: additional again to the previous Wales-only additional spend made from its own budget, and further cements Wales as providing the best package of business support in the whole of the UK. What representations therefore has the Welsh Government made to the Tory Chancellor in Westminster to enable the Welsh Government to have the flexibility in the future to continue to help support Welsh...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd: The Levelling-up Fund (17 Mar 2021)

Delyth Jewell: It's astonishing, isn't it? The levelling-up fund is a direct affront to Wales's devolution settlement, Minister, I'm sure you'll agree, and it circumvents our democratic institutions. Not only is the Senedd excluded from decisions that will be taken in Whitehall, but the fund ties the success of community projects to representation made by MPs in Westminster, even as the UK Government cuts...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd: Budget Priorities in Pembrokeshire (17 Mar 2021)

Paul Davies: Thank you for that response. Minister, it is vital that the Welsh Government prioritises its resources to support lives and livelihoods during the COVID pandemic. I've received representations from local businesses and individuals in Pembrokeshire who have slipped through the net in terms of accessing Government support, despite, of course, the funds that you've just said that you've...

9. Plaid Cymru Debate: NHS Pay Review (17 Mar 2021)

...NHS Pay Review Body for a wholly inadequate 1 per cent pay rise to nurses and other NHS staff which would amount to a real terms cut in their wages. 2. Calls on the Welsh Government to make further representations to the NHS Pay Review Body supporting the specific calls of the trade unions and other bodies representing health and social care staff in Wales for a fair and well deserved pay...

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