Ann Jones: Item 15 and item 16 on our agenda have been withdrawn.
Ann Jones: Item 17 is a motion to suspend Standing Orders. I call on a member of the Business Committee to move the motion.
Ann Jones: Fine, thank you. The proposal is to suspend Standing Orders. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, the motion is agreed, again in accordance with Standing Orders.
Ann Jones: Item 18 is a motion to amend Standing Orders and, again, I call on a member of the Business Committee to move the motion. Any member?
Ann Jones: Thank you. So, the proposal is to amend Standing Orders. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Ann Jones: That brings us to the close of today's proceedings, but can I thank you for your forbearance? We haven't got a true list and we were adding people and taking people out, so thank you very much and I hope that we'll all stay safe. Thank you.
Ann Jones: Thank you very much. The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? No. Therefore, the motion is agreed in accordance with Standing Order 12.36.
Ann Jones: Thank you. Can I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services to reply to the debate?
Ann Jones: Thank you. Neil McEvoy.
Ann Jones: Thank you. Can I now call the Chair of the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee? Mick Antoniw.
Ann Jones: Thank you very much, health Minister.
Ann Jones: Item 9, item 10, item 11, item 12 and item 13 on the agenda, which are all statements by Cabinet Ministers, have all been referred for written statements.
Ann Jones: So, we now move to the debate on the legislative consent motion on the coronavirus Bill, and I call on the Minister for Health and Social Services to move that motion, Vaughan Gething.
Ann Jones: Thank you. Finally, Mick Antoniw.
Ann Jones: Thank you very much, First Minister. Thank you.
Ann Jones: We now move to item 8, which is the statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services on coronavirus, COVID-19. The Minister for health.
Ann Jones: Thank you. Finally, Hefin David.
Ann Jones: Thank you. Neil McEvoy.
Ann Jones: Thank you. I am going to finish this statement by 11:15, so I think I probably will get four more speakers in, in fairness to the First Minister and to those. So, the people I intend to call will be Russell, George, Neil McEvoy, Neil Hamilton and Hefin David. Those of you who are on the list to speak, I will do my best to put you in at the top of the list on the next statement, or even on the...
Ann Jones: Thank you. You can see the clock is in the red zone, but I will extend this. However, can I just make a gentle plea? We've had the four main speakers from the four parties here. Can I make a plea that if your question has been raised, could you not raise it, and can you seek to be—I will extend, as I say, but can you seek to be brief? So, please, no long speeches before you ask your...