Results 261–280 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Sarah Murphy -speaker:Adam Price -speaker:Joyce Watson -speaker:Carolyn Thomas -speaker:Tom Giffard

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (20 Sep 2017)

Lesley Griffiths: I thank the Member for the question. I did extend it, as you say, to 30 September, following representations from the farming unions and other environmental organisations. And, certainly, over the summer recess, when I’ve been attending the agricultural shows and doing visits in both agriculture and environmental settings, it was very clear, particularly over the summer as well, that the...

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (20 Sep 2017)

Lesley Griffiths: see a multi-use for these paths: they want to see footpaths, cyclists and horse-riding all on the same path; others don’t want to. So, I think you’re right: it is about a balance. I’ve had representations around camping. You’re quite right: some farmers—I went to a farm up in the Snowdonia national park over the summer, where one farmer said, ‘There are 500,000 people...

2. 2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children: <p>Progress for Supporting Communities in Wales</p> (20 Sep 2017)

Suzy Davies: Thank you for that answer. It sounds like work is still ongoing. I have to say, you told me shortly before recess, in a question on representations made to me on behalf of Faith in Families in Swansea West, that Swansea’s local Communities First delivery board had, and I quote, ‘detailed transition plans to make sure that locally supported projects didn’t lose out.’ I’ve now been...

6. 6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Community Health Councils (20 Sep 2017)

Nick Ramsay: You actually said that you hadn’t heard of community health councils and that was an argument for them not to be there. Well, on those grounds, I think many of my constituents have never heard of the Welsh Assembly, but I don’t use that as an argument to abolish myself—well, not yet, anyway, but I suppose there’s still time. Look, no-one—well, very few people at any rate are saying...

6. 6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Community Health Councils (20 Sep 2017)

Mr Simon Thomas: ...t sense that the councils themselves are opposed to the concept of a national body. They haven’t told me that. What they have said is that what’s important is that the local voice and regional representation is maintained. So, there is a possibility here to have a national body that could merge some aspects, which may bring forward savings, if you like, in terms of bureaucracy,...

9. 8. Debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee Report: ‘On the right track? The Rail Franchise and South Wales Metro’ (27 Sep 2017)

Mark Isherwood: ..., the Cabinet Secretary states that if the Welsh Government secured the repeal of section 25 of the Railway Act 1993, they would take steps to ensure that future franchises are developed on a not-for-profit model. I proudly spent my previous career working in the mutual, not-for-profit sector, and they must be allowed to compete on a level playing field. However, because of my experience,...

11. 10. Welsh Conservatives Debate: The Welsh Government’s National Strategy (27 Sep 2017)

Dawn Bowden: Can you tell us what representations to the UK Westminster Government to improve the funding to the Welsh Government?

2. 1. Questions to the First Minister: &lt;p&gt;Poverty Among Young Women&lt;/p&gt; ( 3 Oct 2017)

Huw Irranca-Davies: .... The Government’s own pilot areas are showing that it is an unmitigated disaster and it is driving young women, but also all people, into poverty. Could I ask the First Minister what further representations he can make to the UK Government? Because the impact in all of our communities is going to be significant.

2. 1. Questions to the First Minister: &lt;p&gt;Poverty Among Young Women&lt;/p&gt; ( 3 Oct 2017)

Carwyn Jones: Well, we’ll continue to make those representations, but we’ll have to get in a queue. I mean, their own MPs are saying that the roll-out should be stopped. If I could sum up the attitude of the Conservative Government, it would be this: lessen the financial burden on the rich—cut tax—and increase the financial burden on the poorest—getting rid of tax credits, the bedroom tax,...

2. 2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport: &lt;p&gt;Health Education and Improvement Wales&lt;/p&gt; ( 4 Oct 2017)

Vaughan Gething: Thank you for the question. I think it’s a helpful opportunity to clarify the point and the purpose of the board, because the board isn’t going to be a representational board, made up of different interest groups. If we do that, we’ll have different groups fighting and competing with each other, rather than actually having a board with sufficient expertise to actually undertake the...

5. 5. Statement by the Chair of the Finance Committee: Introduction of a Committee proposed Bill — Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Bill ( 4 Oct 2017)

Janet Finch-Saunders: ...came before committee last term and I look forward to scrutiny in our committee when it comes forward. We firmly believe that the ombudsman should be accountable to the National Assembly for Wales, not just the Welsh Government, so the Welsh Conservatives are pleased to note that the nomination for this role will be here through the Assembly. However, I’d like some further clarification...

QNR: Questions to the First Minister (10 Oct 2017)

Jenny Rathbone: What representations has the Welsh Government made to the UK Government about the roll-out of universal credit across Wales?

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: &lt;p&gt;Increasing Diversity in the Supreme Court&lt;/p&gt; (11 Oct 2017)

Hefin David: 4. What discussions has the Counsel General held regarding increasing diversity in representations to the Supreme Court? (OAQ51152)

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure: &lt;p&gt;Growth of the Gig Economy&lt;/p&gt; (11 Oct 2017)

Michelle Brown: Working in the gig economy suits some workers—it always has suited some workers, probably always will. But I’d suggest that the majority are not in the gig economy out of choice. What they’re actually getting in reality is no job security, no ability to budget. I’m sure you agree with me on all those things. The UK Government has identified the problem as being a reduction in the tax...

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: &lt;p&gt;Appointments to the Supreme Court&lt;/p&gt; (11 Oct 2017)

Mick Antoniw: ..., a considerable knowledge of Welsh law and matters relating to the Welsh language, and fulfils that function, I think, very, very satisfactorily. Of course, you’ll be aware that we have made representations over the years in respect of the need for a permanent Welsh judge on the Supreme Court. By ‘Welsh judge’, I suppose you have to mean a judge who has a commitment to and an...

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: &lt;p&gt;Increasing Diversity in the Supreme Court&lt;/p&gt; (11 Oct 2017)

Mick Antoniw: I have made representations to the Supreme Court about improving the diversity of the judiciary. I welcome very much the recent appointments of Lady Hale as president of the Supreme Court, the first ever female Supreme Court president, and Lady Black to the Supreme Court, and, as I’ve previously indicated, I also welcome the appointment of Lord Lloyd-Jones as the first Welsh Supreme Court judge.

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: &lt;p&gt;Increasing Diversity in the Supreme Court&lt;/p&gt; (11 Oct 2017)

Mick Antoniw: ...of diversity. And the current President of the Supreme Court, Lady Hale, has also said on a number of occasions that the courts have to be representative of society in general, and that they were not, and that it was important that that increasing diversity took place, in terms of gender, and in terms of race, and in terms of the background of those in the judiciary, and, really, from the...

6. 6. Debate on the External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee's Report on the Implications of Brexit for Welsh Ports (11 Oct 2017)

Ken Skates: ...committee’s recommendations, either in full or in principle. The common thread connecting each recommendation is the need to work in partnership, whether towards ensuring customs arrangements do not disadvantage Welsh ports or towards consideration of an IT-based solution. This approach will enable us to promote and preserve maritime economic opportunities and increase prosperity...

7. 7. UKIP Cymru Debate: Business Rates (11 Oct 2017)

Nick Ramsay: ...have a certain amount of control over business rates prior to that, but the full devolution of business rates, we believe, brings a real opportunity for the Welsh Government to act in this area—another tool in the economic toolbox, as the First Minister and as the Cabinet Secretary for finance’s predecessor were keen to call it. Having the tool is one thing, using it to improve the...

9. 9. Short Debate: Protecting and Developing Regional Centres of Medical Excellence (11 Oct 2017)

David Lloyd: Cardiff then. So where does all this stop? There’s a review down the line about thoracic surgery. We’ve got thoracic surgery in Swansea, we’ve got thoracic surgery in Cardiff. I’ll hold another short debate nearer the time, shall I? I’ve had representations this week that neurosurgery in Cardiff—which, as you know, we’ve lost from Swansea—is under pressure. You need...

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