Results 421–440 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Julie James -speaker:Mandy Jones -speaker:Angela Burns -speaker:Laura Anne Jones -speaker:Angela Burns

1. Questions to the First Minister: GP Locum Services ( 1 May 2018)

Mick Antoniw: Cabinet Secretary, isn't one of the issues with locums the fact that not only can they earn £800 plus a day without the responsibilities of running a practice, but that the tax system under which they operate means that they can effectively, by setting up as a co-operation, pay just 20 per cent tax and the rest as dividends? And what, effectively, the locum system is actually doing is...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Gender Review ( 1 May 2018)

Jane Hutt: ...I welcomed a student pilgrimage from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David; they'd walked from Merthyr to Pontypridd and down to Cardiff. They had banners with the suffragette message, 'Deeds not words', and in fact, the students were mainly from the College of Art in Swansea—I think that's in Mike Hedges's constituency—and they presented me with their pilgrimage manifesto. They...

2. Questions to the Counsel General: Nurseries and Childcare Centres ( 2 May 2018)

David Rees: 3. What legal representations has the Counsel General made in relation to appeals against Care Inspectorate Wales's decision to withdraw registered status from nurseries and childcare centres? OAQ52085

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport: The City Deal for the Swansea Bay Region ( 2 May 2018)

Suzy Davies: ...their participation in the deal as direct partners or as pipeline businesses. There's a little bit of nervousness in some quarters, which I hope you might be able to quell today. Obviously, I'm not arguing against the order, but perhaps you can tell us whether the Welsh Government has received a range of representations on this issue from business in particular, obviously, as this is your...

7. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Period poverty and stigma ( 2 May 2018)

Siân Gwenllian: ...are made, then issues that are important for women—women outside of this place, women in general—are discussed. And that’s why I’m in favour of ensuring that we have parity of female representation here, but also in county councils and across the public sector, so that important issues like this are given due consideration.   Just to draw your attention—. We launched this...

4. Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services: The Report of the Welsh Task and Finish Group to Review the Use of Vaginal Synthetic Mesh ( 8 May 2018)

Vaughan Gething: for the work they have undertaken. I do want to acknowledge the courage and commitment of those women who have worked tirelessly to highlight this issue. Whilst, understandably, they chose not to participate directly in the group’s work, the evidence that they provided has informed the findings and recommendations—and, of course, I've previously reported meeting a group of mesh...

6. Statement by the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs: The Future of Land Management ( 8 May 2018)

Paul Davies: ...for future funding arrangements, and the Welsh Government has been quick to point out that engagement has already taken place with stakeholders and other Governments on this point. In light of the representations that the Cabinet Secretary has already made on this issue, can she provide some more information about exactly what future funding arrangements the Welsh Government want to see...

6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Land transaction tax on commercial land ( 9 May 2018)

...2018, thus avoiding its own LTT regime by three days and ensuring the transaction took place under the UK Government’s stamp duty land tax. 3. Calls on the Welsh Government, in light of sector representation, to reconsider the new six per cent LTT rate on commercial land transactions above £1 million which will have a detrimental impact on economic development in Wales.

QNR: Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs ( 9 May 2018)

Lesley Griffiths: Careful consideration is being given to the representations made by the community, including the Docks Incinerator Action Group, as well as those of the plant developer. I must ensure our actions as a Government uphold our international obligations in respect of compliance with the environmental impact directive.

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs: The Barry Biomass Incinerator ( 9 May 2018)

Hannah Blythyn: ...uphold our international obligations in respect of environmental impact assessments. Officials are giving careful consideration to compliance with the EIA directive, taking account of the representations of the developer and those of the Docks Incinerator Action Group and others.

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs: The Barry Biomass Incinerator ( 9 May 2018)

Hannah Blythyn: ...of time frame. I do understand why this is causing so much concern and frustration, both for representatives and for people in the local community. But we are actively currently considering the representation made, and we do not intend to set a deadline for the final decision on EIA to be made, because the decision requires careful and full consideration of all the issues to withstand...

3. Topical Questions: Department of Work and Pensions Jobs at Treforest ( 9 May 2018)

Rebecca Evans: Thank you. The leader of the house, as the Welsh Government lead Minister for Better Jobs Closer to Home, has made repeated representations to the UK Government, and in particular the Minister for employment, both in writing and in person, setting out the Welsh Government's serious concerns about this proposal.

3. Topical Questions: Department of Work and Pensions Jobs at Treforest ( 9 May 2018)

Dawn Bowden: be losing more than 250—260 jobs, in fact—from Merthyr, to Treforest. And I'd reiterate exactly what Hefin and John have already said about that. Because, although most of these jobs are not being lost to the organisation, they are being relocated, and the towns that they are being relocated from will be hit economically, without any shadow of a doubt. You cannot take 260 jobs out...

5. Debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report: Apprenticeships in Wales ( 9 May 2018)

Russell George: ...widest opportunity is available to all. I'm pleased that the Welsh Government has accepted this recommendation. The Welsh Government also accepted our call for more action to be put to the under-representation of disabled people. Written evidence from Remploy highlighted that only 2.7 per cent of learners in work-based learning provision, and 1.3 per cent of apprenticeships in Wales, are...

5. Debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report: Apprenticeships in Wales ( 9 May 2018)

Mark Isherwood: ...and that a lack of providers may be preventing young people from undertaking apprenticeships through the medium of Welsh. In accepting our recommendation on gender and careers, the Welsh Government noted that although 60 per cent of learners pursuing an apprenticeship were female, this—quote— 'masks gender disparity in some sectors.' In accepting our recommendation that they...

5. Debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report: Apprenticeships in Wales ( 9 May 2018)

Rhianon Passmore: ...the economic action plan, and the economic contract, which the OECD and the World Economic Forum are exemplifying in Wales. I also welcome the report's recommendation to do more to tackle the under-representation of disabled people in apprenticeships. The establishment of an inclusive apprenticeships working group, which will publish an apprenticeships disability action plan, is also a...

5. Debate on the Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee report: Apprenticeships in Wales ( 9 May 2018)

Mohammad Asghar: broaden the range of advice that young people receive about their future prospects. By doing so, I am confident that this will go some way to tackling the worrying gender imbalance and under-representation of disabled people that we currently see in apprenticeships in Wales. Having encouraged young people to take up an apprenticeship, we must now look at the level of support we provide...

6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Land transaction tax on commercial land ( 9 May 2018)

Andrew RT Davies: ...are trying to attract this investment in are already pointing to a downturn in the commercial sector. They are pointing to making it more difficult to bring investment—[Interruption.] Well, it's not four weeks, because the notes that were sent out to the investment funds were already asking for write-downs on investments, Minister, as you well know from the representations you've...

6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Land transaction tax on commercial land ( 9 May 2018)

Mark Drakeford: Well, Dirprwy Lywydd, of course I have heard the representations made by some in the development sector. Both I and my officials separately have met with those who have concerns, and that engagement will continue. Andrew R.T. Davies, in his original contribution, set out their concerns very fairly and of course I will listen and continue to listen to them. No doubt the UK Government, his...

4. Statement by the Leader of the House: International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (15 May 2018)

Mark Isherwood: ...trans university students in higher education had experienced negative comments or behaviour from staff in the previous year.    When I was speaking here in February 2017 on LGBT History Month, I noted that Stonewall Cymru had stated that 55 per cent of LGB pupils had experienced bullying on the basis of sexual orientation, 83 per cent of trans young people had experienced verbal abuse...

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