Results 761–780 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Jenny Rathbone -speaker:Alun Davies -speaker:Mark Drakeford -speaker:Sarah Murphy -speaker:Samuel Kurtz

7. Debate: General Principles of the Wild Animals and Circuses (Wales) Bill ( 7 Jan 2020)

Hefin David: I'm not going to get into the almost metaphysical debate that's gone on about the ethical nature of the Bill, but I will support what has been said by Llyr Gruffydd and David Rowlands about the fact that animals travelling with the circuses need that level of regulation. I agree with that and I think that is something that needs to be strengthened in the Bill. Llyr beat me to it. I was going...

6. Statement by the Chair of the Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform: An update on the work of the Committee ( 8 Jan 2020)

David Rowlands: ...envisaged in the expert committee report commissioned by the Welsh Government.  Above all, the Welsh people themselves must be convinced, via the arguments put forward, that such an expansion is not just desirable but unavoidable. We as a party chose to be involved in the process by representation on the electoral reform committee because we believe such dramatic changes to the Assembly...

6. Statement by the Chair of the Committee on Assembly Electoral Reform: An update on the work of the Committee ( 8 Jan 2020)

Huw Irranca-Davies: ..., my second question to our Chair is to ask whether and how she'll continue to engage with all political parties in the Senedd, but also those significant other political entities in Wales who are not represented here, so that their views are also fed in, but so that they can also see and engage with the evidence that we hear. In particular—it has been mentioned already—I seek the...

2. Business Statement and Announcement (14 Jan 2020)

Lynne Neagle: ...grant, please. I'd also associate myself with the remarks made earlier by Leanne Wood; the learning disability helpline was funded by the sustainable social services grant. I've also received representations from the Wales Council of the Blind, who've had their funding cut under that programme, and, as committee Chair, by Adoption UK, who have also had their funding cut. It is also my...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: Rape and Sexual Abuse (15 Jan 2020)

Leanne Wood: ...sentenced to a four-month suspended sentence and fined €140. This followed the retraction of her statement to police after an eight-hour unrecorded interrogation session without access to legal representation. The multiple injuries on her body were, according to one expert, said to be consistent with a violent assault. I and many others are of the view that an atrocity has been committed...

5. The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (21 Jan 2020)

Motion NDM7230 Rebecca Evans To propose that the National Assembly for Wales; in accordance with Standing Order 27.5: 1. Approves that the draft The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 is made in accordance with the draft laid in the Table Office on 10 December 2019.

5. The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (21 Jan 2020)

5. The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020

5. The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (21 Jan 2020)

Ann Jones: Item 5 on the agenda this afternoon is the Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020, and I call on the Deputy Minister for Housing and Local Government to move the motion. Hannah Blythyn.

5. The Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (21 Jan 2020)

Hannah Blythyn: Diolch, Dirprwy Lywydd. I am pleased today to be able to bring forward a motion to approve the Representation of the People (Annual Canvass) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2020. The current annual canvass for electors is outdated and cumbersome, is expensive and complex for electoral registration officers to administer and can lead to confusion for our citizens. In light of this, we have...

7. Debate on the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee Report: Mental Health in Policing and Police Custody (22 Jan 2020)

David Rees: the report, and I'm pleased that the majority have been accepted by the Government or accepted in principle. However, I have concerns regarding the rejection of recommendation 11. I have had representations from many organisations in my role as chair of the cross-party group on mental health around crisis care and care and treatment planning and the pace at which previous...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Financial Inclusion (28 Jan 2020)

Dawn Bowden: ...have failed to link people with their accounts, meaning that millions could go unclaimed when all children in Wales born in 2002 will be eligible to access their savings this September. What representations has the Welsh Government made to the UK Government to ensure that young people are reunited with their savings?

2. Business Statement and Announcement (28 Jan 2020)

Rebecca Evans: ..., but we would expect the board to be working with stakeholders to consider options and then to agree a sustainable model of care for the future. I know that the Member will be making her representations as part of that due process.

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister and Chief Whip: Holocaust Memorial Day (28 Jan 2020)

Suzy Davies: ...recognised—particularly important in Wales, where the Jewish population is small, and, as Jenny alluded to, education research on the Holocaust more widely, as far as I can tell, anyway, is not as developed as it is in Scotland and England. I recommend Dr Andy Pearce's paper on the Holocaust and the national curriculum of England after 25 years. Neither of these proposals prevents...

1. Questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs: Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (29 Jan 2020)

Huw Irranca-Davies: Minister, I welcome that comment that not every farm does pollute. I've had representations from farmers in my own constituency, which, as you know, is predominantly characterised by smaller family farms with a mixture of sheep and livestock and some arable, and they're also characterised by that greater biodiversity, which typically does come with smaller, mixed farms. Now, they share the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs: Air Quality in North Wales (29 Jan 2020)

Llyr Gruffydd: Chirk particularly? Because residents are now mounting weekly protests as a result of this latest fire, and I share their concerns that the bodies responsible for ensuring their safety are not providing the reassurance that they require, given the plant's record. Would you agree to hold an independent inquiry into recent events there, with community representation as part of that...

2. Questions to the Minister for Housing and Local Government: Population Forecasts and Local Development Plans (29 Jan 2020)

Julie James: ...level of housing proposed by the council aligns with the 2014-based 10-year migration variant published by the Welsh Government, which is a requirement of 7,750 homes. Officials have made public representations supporting the level of housing in Wrexham's LDP, and do not consider that it should be increased further. The level of housing is broadly in line with the past 10-year delivery...

3. Business Statement and Announcement ( 4 Feb 2020)

Rebecca Evans: I thank Darren Millar for raising both of those issues. The health Minister was here to listen to your concerns about the delay in the response in terms of those representations that you've made on behalf of your constituent to the local health board. And, obviously, that delay is disappointing, so the health Minister has indicated that, if you write to him with the details, then he'll be...

3. Business Statement and Announcement ( 4 Feb 2020)

Huw Irranca-Davies: provider and which then may subsequently be offered to secondary providers, maybe a day after the match, maybe in a highlights programme after midnight, in the mid week, or maybe not at all. This isn't good enough. Faced with the reluctance of the UK Government to give a cast-iron guarantee of a group 1 national significance tournament, Kevin Brennan and fellow Welsh Labour MPs...

7. Debate: Report of the Commission on Justice in Wales ( 4 Feb 2020)

Carwyn Jones: ...2000, we used to look at other countries where people had no access to legal advice and be appalled that they would be representing themselves in quite serious matters in court with no legal representation whilst being prosecuted by a professional prosecutor. Does he agree with me that that's exactly now where we are in England and Wales and that we've gone back some 200 years?

7. Debate: Report of the Commission on Justice in Wales ( 4 Feb 2020)

Mick Antoniw: this debate as the Chair of the first ever Welsh parliamentary committee dedicated to the scrutiny of our constitution, legislation and now justice. So, this is a historic first for Wales, not only in our development as a parliament creating laws, but also in the emergence of our own legal system. My committee will be developing a programme of work aimed at scrutinising our existing...

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