Results 341–360 of 800 for representations -taxation speaker:Julie James -speaker:Mandy Jones -speaker:Angela Burns -speaker:Laura Anne Jones -speaker:John Griffiths

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance: Capital Investment in South Wales Central (20 Jun 2018)

Andrew RT Davies:, or would a bid have to come directly to you, or to the Welsh Government, I should say, to release capital moneys for the development of this road, because, at the moment, certainly from the representations I've had from residents, there is uncertainty as to exactly who picks up the bill for this improvement of transport links?

1. Questions to the First Minister: Spy Cops (26 Jun 2018)

Mark Isherwood: Terms of reference for the undercover police inquiry, which I think was launched in 2015 by the then Home Secretary, says the investigation would include but not be limited to whether and to what purpose, extent and effect undercover police operations had targeted political and social justice campaigners. However, it makes no explicit reference to the many women deceived into...

1. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders</p> (31 Jan 2017)

Carwyn Jones: ...passport holders, despite what Boris Johnson said yesterday. I think there are issues for the Prime Minister. The first question is: when did she know about this? If it was Friday, did she make representations? When did she know about the conditions that were attached to the executive order and, if so, did she make representations for British citizens and British passport holders? Why,...

2. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders</p> ( 4 Jul 2017)

Carwyn Jones: We have had discussion with businesses, particularly those in the automotive sector, and they have said to us that a circuit is not required to move forward with the technology park. It’s something that would be nice to have but not essential to have. I think if I represent it in that way, it’s a fair representation. But, certainly, the development of the technology park in their view is...

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs: Barry Biomass Incinerator (21 Mar 2018)

David Melding: Can I support Jane Hutt's representations to you that we need an environmental impact assessment? That plea has also been made by the Tory-led Vale of Glamorgan Council. There's complete political unanimity on this. If you go down to Barry and talk to anyone, often the first thing they'll talk about is this incineration plant and its sheer scale. We need that assessment and we need NRW to...

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education: Learners with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (27 Jun 2018)

Paul Davies: Cabinet Secretary, I've received representations from constituents who are concerned that learners with autism spectrum disorder are at a disadvantage when taking the GCSE English exam due to their impaired social communication and social interaction, which of course means sitting the same test as their neurotypical peers, and makes it much more difficult for them. In light of this...

2. 2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (22 Jun 2016)

Carl Sargeant: ..., which has an impact on public services. So, while we will try and continue to work with our partners to deliver a better outcome for our families across Wales, I would also ask the Member to make representations to the UK Government to look for fair funding for Wales, so that we can pass that through to families here in Wales.

1. 1. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Court Closures </p> (18 Jan 2017)

Jeremy Miles: ...bus service. So, there are very profound social justice implications, as the Counsel General has indicated. What response has he had to those concerns around social justice when he’s raised these representations with the UK Government?

Statement by the Presiding Officer ( 5 Dec 2018)

Elin Jones: ...Youth Parliament team at the Assembly. We are very much indebted to everyone who ensured that this project has come to fruition. Over 450 young candidates, almost 25,000 registered to vote, with representation the length and breadth of Wales—the statistics speak volumes about their success.

5. 2. Business Statement and Announcement (22 Nov 2016)

Steffan Lewis: ...will cost up to 40 per cent more than the Welsh alternative constructed in Gwent. Can we have a statement from the Cabinet Secretary for the economy or, indeed, the First Minister, to hear what representations have been made by Welsh Government to the MOD regarding this process, and the attempts made by the Welsh Government to secure a level playing field in this particular case?

2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Local Government and Public Services: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (13 Jun 2018)

Alun Davies: Llywydd, what would be most insulting would be to finish a consultation yesterday and inform you of the decision today, without considering any of the representations made to us over the past months. That would be most insulting to those people who have participated in this discussion. But may I make this quite clear? I met with Professor Prowle last week, and I had a long conversation with...

3. The Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021 (24 Mar 2021)

Julie James: Diolch, Llywydd. I move the motion to approve the Senedd Cymru (Representation of the People) (Amendment) Order 2021. The Order makes technical changes to the process for nominating candidates for the Senedd elections scheduled for 6 May. The changes set the deadline for nominations as 4 p.m. on 8 April, so that nominations can be processed and published in a timely fashion, and enable...

2. 2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport: <p>Childhood Obesity Rates</p> ( 9 Nov 2016)

Vikki Howells: ..., which includes my constituency, 28.1 per cent of four- to five-year-olds, the second highest in Wales, are overweight or obese, and there is a pressing need to take action. Will the Minister make representations to the UK Government that the proposals contained in their action plan are inadequate and need urgent revisiting to give children in my constituency and across Wales the...

1. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>The Mineworkers Pension Scheme Surplus</p> (13 Dec 2016)

Rhianon Passmore: ...The people of Islwyn, like my grandfather and my great-uncle, like so many in the south Wales Valleys, worked in hard and dangerous conditions, often to the detriment of their health. What further representations, then, can the Welsh Government make to the UK Tory Government in denial for them to play fair with Welsh miners?

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Tackling LGBT Hate Crime (23 Oct 2019)

Helen Mary Jones: Will the Minister take an intervention? I'm really pleased to hear you say that you'll be making those representations. Of course, one of the protected characteristics where violence against the persons holding that protected characteristic is not treated as a hate crime is violence against women. Do you believe that there may be a case? I wouldn't ask you to postpone—I'd ask you to...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd: Strategic Investment in Preseli Pembrokeshire (25 Nov 2020)

Paul Davies: Minister, I'm grateful to you for that answer. Now, I continue to receive representations from residents in Lower Town, Fishguard in my constituency regarding road safety in their local community. And despite positive commitments from previous Ministers on this matter, improvements to the A487 in this specific area are still yet to be taken forward. Minister, what assurances can you give the...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Child Poverty (25 Oct 2022)

Mike Hedges: Many children are living in poverty not caused by parental indolence or wastefulness; many parents are working two or three jobs, but at minimum wage, on irregular hours. The expansion of free school meals to a universal provision of meals is very welcome. What further help can the Welsh Government give to support foodbanks, and will the Welsh Government make representation to end the fixed...

1. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>Syrian Refugees</p> (28 Jun 2016)

Darren Millar: ...utmost to protect those Syrian refugees and others who have come to Wales to flee persecution in their countries, and, in particular, the Syrian Orthodox Church, which, of course, does have strong representation here in Wales and has engaged very positively both with the faith communities forum, which you, of course, chair, and the work of the Assembly, with the cross-party group on faith?

2. 2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children: <p>The Traveller Community</p> (14 Dec 2016)

Russell George: ...Town councillors agree that there hasn’t been a formal consultation, as they had been promised by the county council, with residents regarding possible locations for the site. I have made my own representations to the local authority and I would be grateful if you would add your weight to the calls for Powys County Council to hold a full and proper and transparent consultation to ensure...

1. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>Newsquest</p> (28 Mar 2017)

Mohammad Asghar: Newport were placed at risk of redundancies in November of last year. Can I ask the First Minister if the Welsh Government was aware of these redundancies last November, and, if so, what representations were made to the company at that time to remind them of the condition attached to the award of grant funding from this Assembly?

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