Results 521–540 of 1100 for representations -taxation speaker:Sarah Murphy -speaker:Adam Price -speaker:Joyce Watson -speaker:Andrew RT Davies -speaker:Bethan Sayed

1. Questions to the First Minister: Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders (12 Jun 2018)

Andrew RT Davies: Sadly, from that answer, First Minister, you give an indication that you made no representations whatsoever to the chief executive or the airline about these remarks. If it was a small business in Wales, or a medium-sized business in Wales, I'm sure that, given the social contract that you've developed, you would be, obviously, demonstrating your dislike of the comments that were made and...

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (20 Sep 2017)

Lesley Griffiths: see a multi-use for these paths: they want to see footpaths, cyclists and horse-riding all on the same path; others don’t want to. So, I think you’re right: it is about a balance. I’ve had representations around camping. You’re quite right: some farmers—I went to a farm up in the Snowdonia national park over the summer, where one farmer said, ‘There are 500,000 people...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders (12 Jan 2021)

Adam Price: doubt that this is a deeply harrowing case and every effort should be made to seek the truth of what happened. Why was Mohamud Hassan arrested? What happened during his arrest? Did he have legal representation? Was there any aftercare? Why did this young man die? Whilst we should not prejudge the outcome of any inquiry, will you commit, First Minister, to doing everything within your...

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport: Apprenticeships: Investing in Skills for the Future (12 Mar 2019)

Mohammad Asghar: ...the training provided is relevant to meet the needs of both apprentices and employers. Last September, Estyn produced a report that claimed that most providers of higher level apprenticeships did not manage them well and that many courses are outdated. Estyn went on to say that a failing among providers saw workers in Wales having to travel to England to get training. Could the Minister...

2. 2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Education: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (11 Jan 2017)

Kirsty Williams: the PISA tests are good enough, and our performance in science has been particularly disappointing, especially our performance in science from our higher performing children, and our lack of representation on an OECD average level 6, level 5, and level 4. And you will be aware that, earlier this month, I announced the creation of a network of excellence for science and technology. That...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Cost-of-living Support (28 Sep 2022)

Buffy Williams: ...empty lunch boxes because they didn't want their friends to know there's no food at home. The new Tory Prime Minister, through the mini budget, believes the answer is to cut tax for millionaires, not to scrap bankers' bonuses, and to let energy companies keep their extortionate profits. The mini budget also does nothing for local authorities. They now have £200 million less to spend next...

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (15 Jun 2016)

Russell George: .... Now, among the changes, it’s recommended the closure of the information and retail element of the centre, which replaces it with an unstaffed information point. I’d ask you, Minister, to make representations to the national park authority to urgently reconsider this decision, as I certainly believe this would have an adverse effect on tourism, not only in the area, but in the wider...

3. Topical Questions: Thomas Cook (25 Sep 2019)

David Rowlands: sympathies to the staff, as outlined by Bethan and by Russell—those staff working in the shops in Wales, but also to the staff in the whole operation of the airline? Would the First Minister not agree with me that, even if it were desirable to bail out Thomas Cook—and given the apparent appalling management structure, it probably wouldn't be—the UK Government could well fall foul...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Brexit Minister (in respect of his 'law officer' responsibilities): Equalisation of Women's Pension Ages (21 May 2019)

Hefin David: I appreciate the constraint that the Counsel General identifies, but in Plenary on 20 March it was agreed the Welsh Government would make representations to the UK Government in support of the Women Against State Pension Inequality state pension campaigners, many of whom are my constituents and have been in touch directly with me. The Deputy Minister and the Chief Whip also confirmed the...

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> (15 Feb 2017)

Siân Gwenllian: ...elections and the principle in place for national elections too is a practical and valuable way of reviving democracy and ensuring that people do feel that their vote counts, safeguarding fair representation for all political views in Wales?

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>EU Citizens</p> (15 Feb 2017)

Mick Antoniw: ...Kingdom, for 30 or 40 plus years, and that they may have voted in European elections, and yet they were excluded from participating in the referendum, and they do feel an injustice. There have been representations made with regard to the impact and the potential break-up of families that may occur, where one member may have to leave his wife and son. Now, it is all very well for a...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders (12 Dec 2017)

Carwyn Jones: ...questions have been asked, I understand that, and they need answers, and they will get answers. But I do think it's important that those answers are provided as part of a whole picture. It's not right that people should pick out little bits, mention them, and then not give the full context in terms of which answers are given, for example, or the context of what happened some years ago....

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Review of Gender Equality (17 Jul 2018)

Carwyn Jones: ...committed to doing everything it can to reduce the pay gap. Women hold 40 per cent of senior civil service posts in the Welsh Government. Now, of course, the pay arrangements of senior staff are not in the control of the Welsh Government, they're not devolved, but there is a commitment on our part to achieving 50:50 representation across the senior civil service by 2020. So, what measures...

2. Questions to the Minister for Housing and Local Government: Royal Mail's Five-year Strategy (17 Jul 2019)

Jayne Bryant: ...and much valued service. If this is taken away, there is a fear that the link that community postmen provide will be lost. Can the Deputy Minister assure me that the Welsh Government will be making representations to Royal Mail to highlight the value it puts on the equal six-day service, ensuring that it does all it can to protect the role of the community posties?

1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Planning and Rural Affairs: The Barry Biomass Incinerator ( 9 May 2018)

Hannah Blythyn: ...of time frame. I do understand why this is causing so much concern and frustration, both for representatives and for people in the local community. But we are actively currently considering the representation made, and we do not intend to set a deadline for the final decision on EIA to be made, because the decision requires careful and full consideration of all the issues to withstand...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: A four-day working week (22 Sep 2021)

Sioned Williams: .... Our understanding of work as a whole needs to change, and this is achievable, I think. Our acceptance of radically new working practices in such a short period of time shows this. Waged work is not the only sphere that needs to be reimagined, but the opportunity offered by a four-day working week to women would be more effective than the myriad of gender equality reviews and policies...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Brexit Minister (in respect of his "law officer" responsibilities): EU Citizens in Wales and the Recent European Parliamentary Elections (25 Jun 2019)

Helen Mary Jones: I'm grateful to the Counsel General for his reply, and glad to hear the Government standing ready to respond. I wonder if he will be prepared to give consideration to making representations to suggest that those bodies should undertake a proactive review. I've seen figures, for example, suggesting that less than 19 per cent of eligible EU citizens in Powys were actually able to vote, because...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The ‘Is Wales Fairer?’ Report (27 Nov 2018)

Julie James: We've appointed an equality champion to work with our apprenticeship providers in order to do that, and the Minister has been working very hard to ensure that we get very good representation from all groups of protected characteristics in particular. There is a wider society issue at play in the gender segregation, so you see very many more women in social settings, very many more men in hard...

Emergency Question: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine ( 1 Mar 2022)

Jane Dodds: ...Kingdom Nationality and Borders Bill. I hope that, with humility and reflection, there will be a pause on this Bill. We have heard about the moderate shift today from the UK Government, but it is not enough. Prif Weinidog, can I seek your views on the Nationality and Borders Bill and whether you will continue to make representations to the UK Government on the concerns that have been...

2. 1. Questions to the First Minister: &lt;p&gt;Poverty Among Young Women&lt;/p&gt; ( 3 Oct 2017)

Huw Irranca-Davies: .... The Government’s own pilot areas are showing that it is an unmitigated disaster and it is driving young women, but also all people, into poverty. Could I ask the First Minister what further representations he can make to the UK Government? Because the impact in all of our communities is going to be significant.

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