Results 121–140 of 700 for representations -taxation speaker:Jenny Rathbone -speaker:Alun Davies -speaker:Mark Drakeford -speaker:David Rees

3. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Civil Litigation and Small Claims Courts</p> (30 Nov 2016)

Mick Antoniw: Thank you for the question. We continue to make representations. The proposed changes to civil litigation and small claims are likely to have serious impacts on people across Wales, and we are continuing to challenge the UK Government on reforms that restrict access to justice.

3. Urgent Question: Post Office Provision (14 Dec 2016)

Carl Sargeant: ...application to allow the Government to continue to fund the uneconomic elements of the Post Office network, which I think they should look at very carefully. The Welsh Government will be making a representation and I would urge the Member to do the same.

1. 1. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Court Closures </p> (18 Jan 2017)

Jeremy Miles: 4. What representations has the Counsel General made in relation to the impact of recent court closures in Wales? OAQ(5)0017(CG)

1. 1. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Court Closures </p> (18 Jan 2017)

Mick Antoniw: The Welsh Government has continued to make representations to the UK Government about the adverse impacts of court closures on access to justice, which, for many people, will mean longer and more expensive journeys to attend court and much more limited access to justice.

1. 1. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>The Supreme Court Case on Article 50</p> (18 Jan 2017)

Mr Simon Thomas: 5. What representations has the Counsel General made in relation to the Supreme Court case on Article 50? OAQ(5)0021(CG)[W]

1. 1. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>The Supreme Court Case on Article 50</p> (18 Jan 2017)

Mr Simon Thomas: 5. What representations has the Counsel General made in relation to the Supreme Court case on Article 50? OAQ(5)0021(CG)[W]

4. 2. Business Statement and Announcement ( 7 Feb 2017)

Jane Hutt: ...for that question. Indeed, this is a question that the Cabinet Secretary will follow up, but it’s also very important that if you have people who are affected in this way that you also make representations on their behalf.

1. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>Economic Development in South-east Wales</p> (14 Feb 2017)

Carwyn Jones: An interesting idea again, and something, certainly, that I will look into. I will write to the Member in terms of what representations were made about the National Cyber Security Academy. It is an initiative, in principle, that we have supported, but I will write to him with further details in terms of how the centre was established and why it was established in London.

QNR: Questions to the First Minister (14 Feb 2017)

Mark Drakeford: ...a UK research and innovation body, the Cabinet Secretary for Education, the Minister for Skills and Science and the chief scientific adviser met the UK Minister responsible and sought proper Welsh representation on UK research and innovation’s board. They made the same point to interim UKRI chair, Sir John Kingman. Discussions with universities on UKRI engagement started only recently.

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>EU Citizens</p> (15 Feb 2017)

Dawn Bowden: 3. What representations has the Counsel General made to the UK Government regarding the legal status of EU citizens in Wales? OAQ(5)0024(CG)

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Maritime Laws</p> (15 Feb 2017)

Mike Hedges: 4. What representations has the Counsel General made on behalf of the Welsh Government regarding the enforcement of maritime laws? OAQ(5)0022(CG)

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Appointing a Welsh Judge to the Supreme Court</p> (15 Feb 2017)

John Griffiths: 7. What representations has the Counsel General made in respect of appointing a Welsh judge to the Supreme Court? OAQ(5)0026(CG)

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Appointing a Welsh Judge to the Supreme Court</p> (15 Feb 2017)

Mick Antoniw: The Welsh Government has made representations on a number of occasions regarding appointing a Welsh member to the Supreme Court.

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Appointing a Welsh Judge to the Supreme Court</p> (15 Feb 2017)

John Griffiths: Counsel General, it seems to me that the absence of representation from Wales on the Supreme Court panel is an important gap in the democratic framework within the UK. Do you agree that the body adjudicating on constitutional matters affecting the whole of the UK population should include representatives from the whole of the UK?

11. 9. Debate: Stage 3 of the Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Bill: <p>Group 3: Tax Rates and Bands — Local Authority Representations (Amendment 30)</p> (28 Mar 2017)

Elin Jones: Therefore, we move on to group 3, which relates to local authority representations on tax rates and bands. The lead and only amendment in this group is amendment 30, and I call on Steffan Lewis to move and speak to his amendment.

1. 1. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs: <p>Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople</p> ( 5 Apr 2017)

Jane Hutt: ...January. The Cabinet Secretary is currently considering the responses, and I’m sure that Neil Hamilton will be as pleased as the Cabinet Secretary to hear that there were a significant number of representations—993—a large number of which were from farmers.

9. 9. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Local Authorities ( 5 Apr 2017)

Amendment 2—Rhun ap Iorwerth Add as new point at end of motion: Calls on the Welsh Government to introduce proportional representation for local elections to strengthen the accountability of local government and to improve local public services.

3. 3. Topical Questions: <p>Closure of Department for Work and Pensions Offices</p> (12 Jul 2017)

Julie James: I’ve made repeated representations to the Minister for employment. I made clear my concerns when we spoke on 5 July. I’ll continue to seek assurances about the position of staff who are adversely affected by these changes. And, indeed, I’m meeting with the UK Minister tomorrow to discuss the matter further.

2. 1. Questions to the First Minister: <p>Landslip in Pantteg </p> (19 Sep 2017)

Carwyn Jones: ...on 22 August where Government officials joined with the Neath Port Talbot council to consider the way forward. We as a Government will consider anything that the council suggests when they make representations to us, as was agreed in that meeting, as I understand it.

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