Results 1–20 of 700 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Gareth Bennett -speaker:Gareth Bennett -speaker:Llyr Gruffydd -speaker:Adam Price

Group 14: Citizen Voice Body — representations to public bodies (Amendments 41, 76, 1, 42, 77) (10 Mar 2020)

Vaughan Gething: Thank you, Llywydd. All of the amendments in this group relate to representations being made by the citizen voice body and the response that should be provided to them, but they, of course, have different permutations. And I do want to make clear again that, despite the language being used, refusing to agree to amendments 42 or 77 are not examples or evidence of bad faith, or a deliberate...

Group 14: Citizen Voice Body — representations to public bodies (Amendments 41, 76, 1, 42, 77) (10 Mar 2020)

Angela Burns: ...Helen Mary Jones with my full support. It's in line with committee recommendation 13 at Stage 1. During our evidence sessions, it became very apparent that the body should be able to make representations to Welsh Ministers as this would enable the body to become actively involved in and influence the design of future health and care systems in particular. The board of community health...

2. Questions to the Counsel General: Access to Legal Services ( 7 Feb 2018)

Jayne Bryant: Thank you, Counsel General. Last year, the UK Government released statistics showing a shocking rise in the number of domestic violence survivors with no legal representation in family courts. The statistics reveal that the number of those having to represent themselves in courts in England and Wales have doubled during the last five years. In the first nine months of last year, 3,234...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Sioned Williams: So, why are gender quotas a necessary step? How will they be effective? Well, gender quotas will provide a quick and simple solution to the unjustifiable fact of women's under-representation, or potential under-representation, in elected politics. International research shows that they are the single most effective tool for fast-tracking women's representation in elected bodies for...

2. Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: The Seafood Industry in Ynys Môn (27 Apr 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: ...absolutely, and I look forward to hearing your ideas at our meeting. I don't know if you're aware, but Seafood Expo Global is currently taking place out in Barcelona, and I know there is very good representation from Ynys Môn businesses there. In Dubai Expo 2020, which was held earlier this year, again I think there was good representation—certainly good representation from the seafood...

11. 9. Debate: Stage 3 of the Land Transaction Tax and Anti-avoidance of Devolved Taxes (Wales) Bill: <p>Group 3: Tax Rates and Bands — Local Authority Representations (Amendment 30)</p> (28 Mar 2017)

Mark Drakeford: Diolch yn fawr, Llywydd. At Stage 2 in front of the Finance Committee, there was a discussion of an amendment tabled by Steffan Lewis that would have enabled local authorities to make representations about the higher rate of tax. I’m grateful for subsequent opportunities to discuss this matter with the Member, because I have no difficulty with the general principle that we need to engage...

2. 2. Questions to the Counsel General: <p>Appointing a Welsh Judge to the Supreme Court</p> (15 Feb 2017)

Mick Antoniw: The answer is that I certainly do agree. There has been argument in terms of what we mean by a Welsh judge or a Welsh representative on the Supreme Court and, of course, the issue is not just with regard to the Supreme Court, but also the lower level courts as well. There is an opportunity that arises in that, over the next two years, six Supreme Court justices will retire. Representations...

2. Questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services: Sleep Medicine Services (27 Jun 2018)

Mick Antoniw: Thank you for the answer, and I very much welcome the work that has been done on something that has not been, perhaps, recognised as being as important as it is. I know there have been previous questions, I think from Llyr Gruffydd and others, around this particular subject. I've had a number of representations to me, because although sleep apnoea and narcolepsy are particularly recognised,...

3. Urgent Question: Bashir Naderi ( 9 Nov 2016)

Carl Sargeant: I thank the Member for his question. I am sympathetic to the circumstances of this case, but immigration is not a devolved issue and it’s not the Welsh Government’s practice to make representation on individual cases. I know that Assembly Members have made representation to the Home Office, and others may wish to join them in this.

3. Urgent Question: Bashir Naderi ( 9 Nov 2016)

Carl Sargeant: As I responded to the others, I refer the Member to my previous response to the Members. It is a matter for individuals to make representation as the elected Members representing those bodies. I would advise the Member to write directly to the Ministry in order to make her representation known.

8. Plaid Cymru Debate: Assembly Reform (10 Jul 2019)

Alun Davies: —as you will remember—I'm making the point—as you will know. And I know that the experience of being a constituency Member and a regional Member is different, and I do not believe that regional representation is effective representation. I do not believe that the people of Blaenau Gwent—

8. Plaid Cymru Debate: Assembly Reform (10 Jul 2019)

Joyce Watson: ...Laughter.] I've been a regional Member in this Assembly for 12 years, and part of that time alongside you and others, and I cannot sit here and listen to you saying that you believe that regional representation, somehow, is less representation. So, I'm afraid I'll have to completely and utterly disagree with your comments.  

1. Questions to the First Minister: COVID-19 and Jobs (19 Jan 2021)

Mark Drakeford: We take all opportunities to make such representations. The Minister for Economy, Transport and North Wales met the UK small business Minister on Thursday and the Secretary of State for Wales yesterday. A quadrilateral of UK Governments takes place tomorrow, where further representations will be made. 

7. Debate: Voter Inclusion ( 9 Nov 2021)

Alun Davies: ...the-post, and I hope that we will be able to introduce proportional representation—fair proportional representation—STV, to ensure that everybody is included in choosing who represents them and not just people who happen to live in constituencies where the majority of people agree with their choices.

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Supreme Court ( 5 Oct 2022)

Mick Antoniw: Thank you for the question. I am pleased to note the resumption of Welsh representation on the Supreme Court following the reappointment of Lord Lloyd-Jones last month. I continue to raise the necessity for formal, rather than fortuitous, representation of the Welsh judiciary in our highest court with the Lord Chancellor and justice Ministers. 

1. Business Statement and Announcement (29 Mar 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: Thank you. I think you said that you'd already made representations direct to the Deputy Minister. As you are aware, Royal Mail is obviously a reserved issue, but we do all obviously rely on postal services in a way that you've just described, and, I think, during the pandemic, we've relied on them even more. I'm sure, if you have made representations to the Deputy Minister, she will respond...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (20 Oct 2021)

Jane Hutt: .... But we'll be able to respond to that in terms of updating by the end of November.  This is where the Minister for Climate Change and I are working very closely together, and we are making our representations to the UK Government, which I hope you are as well. You're making representations to me, but representations need to be made to the UK Government in terms of tackling these issues....

2. 2. Business Statement and Announcement (27 Sep 2016)

Jane Hutt: ...respect of Assembly elections—included in the Wales Bill currently before the Lords and should come into effect from Easter 2018, if that Bill becomes law. But I think the issues around political representation and around—and you raised issues about our representation in this Chamber—changes to parliamentary and European representation as well, the loss of MEPs, and significant...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Racism in Sport (12 Jan 2021)

Laura Anne Jones: ...due to sportsmen like Sir Lewis Hamilton and all the premiership football teams still taking the knee. Campaigners have made the point, though, that nothing will change unless there is greater representation of BAME people in the higher echelons of sporting organisations. In football, for example, a quarter of Premier League football players are black, however there are only six managers...

3. Urgent Question: Bashir Naderi ( 9 Nov 2016)

Carl Sargeant: ...brought it to my attention during this debate and earlier. However, this isn’t the responsibility of Welsh Government—it’s a matter for the Home Office, and therefore Members must make their representation to the Home Office for them to make the appropriate decision. It’s not normal practice for the Welsh Government to make representation for individual cases here in Wales.

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