Results 181–200 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Alun Davies -speaker:Natasha Asghar -speaker:Adam Price -speaker:Adam Price

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Local Government elections (16 Feb 2022)

Mike Hedges: ...out to get your newspaper, go shopping, visit a local sports club, or walk down the street, you interact with voters. STV is an electoral system promoted by many in favour of a form of proportional representation. It's used for Scottish council elections and elections to the Irish Parliament, the Dáil. When electing more than one candidate, the STV system becomes complicated, whereas only...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Local Government elections (16 Feb 2022)

Rhys ab Owen: John Stuart Mill said, back in 1861, that the first principle of democracy is this: representation in proportion to the numbers. Today, let us, in this Senedd, not allow outdated ideas, not allow prejudices, not allow the ambition for power to block this very basic principle of democracy. Diolch yn fawr.

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Local Government elections (16 Feb 2022)

Rhys ab Owen: .... In 2003, in Scotland, 61 seats were uncontested, and what is the figure now, Gareth? Sixty-one uncontested in 2003; the answer now, Gareth, is zero. Every seat in Scotland, since proportional representation, has been contested.  Now, in Wales, in 2017—bear me with me for a second, Sam—nearly 100 councillors stood unchallenged here in Wales, with one councillor in Powys remaining...

2. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services: Specialist Medical Care in the Community (16 Feb 2022)

Baroness Mair Eluned Morgan: ...have all of the information so that we can come to a decision that is clear and fair. Of course, community groups in the area have also been informed that they too have an opportunity to make any representations that they would like to make. 

13. Debate: The Police Settlement 2022-23 (15 Feb 2022)

Rebecca Evans: ...affecting policing and community safety in Wales to be properly tailored to our Welsh circumstance, and it would be a safeguard against legislative changes being made that the Senedd does not agree with.  The point about a review of the formula is very important, and there is currently a review of that formula in progress, with UK Government Ministers having confirmed their intention to...

2. Business Statement and Announcement (15 Feb 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: ..., and it wasn't introduced until this year. I think it's really important that we listen to what young people say around the barriers that they feel that they face. As you say, you have made representations to the Deputy Minister for sport and culture, and I'm sure she will respond to you when she has further information from the WRU.

2. Business Statement and Announcement (15 Feb 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: Thank you. I think you've referred to two issues that many of us have received representations on from our own constituents. The Deputy Minister for Social Services was in the Chamber and heard your question and will come forward with further information, either in the form of a written statement or will write to the Member, and I'm sure they will put a letter in the Library. In relation to...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Fuel Bills ( 9 Feb 2022)

Rhianon Passmore: ...measures that people need. Minister, BP's chief executive Bernard Looney has said himself that BP has become a cash machine. Therefore, what consideration has the Welsh Government given to making representations to the UK Tory Government to introduce a windfall tax on energy companies, to stand up for Welsh families who are suffering as multinational energy corporations enjoy excessive...

4. Statement by the Minister for Climate Change: Energy Price Cap ( 8 Feb 2022)

Rhianon Passmore: ...the Welsh Government made of the adequateness, or otherwise, of the UK Tory Government's response to this cost-of-living crisis? How is the freezing of local housing allowance fair? What further representations will the Welsh Government make to the UK Tory Government calling for urgent changes to the way the energy market is regulated to support the people of Wales? And how can Wales...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The National Independent Safeguarding Board ( 8 Feb 2022)

Mark Drakeford: ...table the key devolved institutions—the WLGA, the Welsh Government, the social services departments, the health services—but also the non-devolved services as well. It was very good to have representation from the Home Office at the board, to see the senior coroner for Wales as a member of that board. I really do think, Llywydd, that it is a very practical and telling example of the...

3. Topical Questions: The Winter Fuel Support Scheme ( 2 Feb 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...questions, as of the end of January, data from 22 local authorities shows over 146,000 applications have been received, 105,785 applications have been paid, and local authorities are working hard not just to promote it; they've contacted all those they deem to be eligible. Three hundred and fifty thousand are deemed to be eligible in Wales, so we need to do all we can, and the cross-party...

6. Statement by the Minister for Economy: Wales and Europe — Managing a new relationship ( 1 Feb 2022)

Luke Fletcher: ...agreement will see Wales's role either non-existent or purely artificial, without the voices in Wales truly being heard in the UK's future relationship with the EU. And your statement does nothing to reassure me that Wales will be heard.  While Liz Truss's predecessor, Lord Frost, suggested that devolved Governments will be involved in forums established by both agreements when items of...

6. Statement by the Minister for Economy: Wales and Europe — Managing a new relationship ( 1 Feb 2022)

Paul Davies: update on where we are with border control posts and what developments have been made? Of course, it's crucial that the site of a border control post is decided carefully, and I know from the representations that I've received in my constituency how controversial the location is. The Welsh Government must take into account the impact that a border control post will have on local...

5. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership: LGBTQ+ History Month ( 1 Feb 2022)

Hannah Blythyn: ...and talked a lot in your contribution about the legislative and policy change, but you talked about the power of art as well. Over the years, we've seen huge cultural change in terms of the representation of LGBTQ+ people in the media. When I was growing up in north Wales, I could never have dreamed that you'd just watch whatever programme and there would be positive representation on...

8. Plaid Cymru Debate: The UK Government's Elections Bill (26 Jan 2022)

Sioned Williams: ...of the Government, to make the decision as to what to provide, creating a postcode lottery of provision. Nobody's right to vote should be undermined. Everyone who is eligible to vote deserves not only to do so, but they also should be able to expect their Governments encourage them to do so, enable them to do so and take away any barriers that could stop them doing so. The Bill is nothing...

6. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Well-being: Update on the Substance Misuse Delivery Plan 2019-22 (25 Jan 2022)

Lynne Neagle: Thank you very much, John, for those points. Just to reassure you, it's not just the one letter that we've written to the UK Government expressing concerns about their approach to partnership with us on these very important issues. Obviously, those discussions are going on on a regular basis with our officials. I attended, on behalf of the Welsh Government, the UK drugs summit, where I also...

3. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Procurement Update (25 Jan 2022)

Rebecca Evans: the moment that the percentage of Welsh procurement spend is around 52 per cent. Well, that's the figure that we're able to publicly share. However, we don't consider that to be an accurate representation of the amount of procurement spend that goes into Welsh companies. Obviously, there are a number of reasons for that, one of which being it's based on the postcode of the invoice...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Governance of the British Broadcasting Corporation (25 Jan 2022)

Rhianon Passmore: 7. What representations has the Welsh Government made to the UK Government concerning the governance of the British Broadcasting Corporation? OQ57513

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: The cost of living (19 Jan 2022)

Jane Hutt: I thank Members for identifying the role local authorities can and do play. They are crucial to help us in these action plans that we can take here in Wales, not just the Welsh Government, but working with local government and the third sector as well. Further announcements are coming forward from the Welsh Government on our household support grant. It's crucial that we look to our...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: The cost of living (19 Jan 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...people with the spiralling costs of energy bills and increasing living costs do lie, mainly, with the UK Government. So, this debate does provide us with the opportunity to unite today to back the representations that we are making as Welsh Government Ministers to the UK Government, because of those powers and fiscal levers they have, but also as well the taking forward of our plans and...

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