Results 21–40 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Lee Waters -speaker:Delyth Jewell -speaker:David Melding -speaker:David Melding

9. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership: Fair Work: Annual Progress and Priorities (28 Feb 2023)

Hannah Blythyn: ...I'm also happy to go away and see if we can update Members in writing, ahead of that as well. I would say, just because things aren't included in my oral statement today doesn't mean that they're not happening; it's just on the basis that we have a limited amount of time to update in the Senedd Chamber today. And I'm sure that the Llywydd would have something to say if I listed every...

7. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Wales: A community of communities (28 Feb 2023)

Jane Hutt: ...of Mudiad Meithrin, who recently launched its AwDUra scheme. This project empowers and enables black, Asian and minority ethnic people to write children's literature in Welsh to address the under-representation of ethnic minority communities in Welsh literature. We are also currently working with the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and Cardiff and Vale College to develop an engagement event to...

3. Topical Questions: The Bus Emergency Scheme (15 Feb 2023)

Huw Irranca-Davies: Can I thank Delyth for raising this topical question, and also for the way that she raised it, when she expressed not only her support for the roads review yesterday, and the principles behind it, but also tied this into the other side of that coin, which is providing the multi-modal, sustainable other forms of transport, which this topical question focuses on today? I cannot give the...

3. Topical Questions: Prepayment Meters ( 8 Feb 2023)

Jane Hutt: ...-party groups, is: has remote installation stopped? No, I don't believe it has. Enforced installation has stopped, but remote installation is still going on.  Finally, I have asked for suppliers not to be making standing charges. They're the highest in north Wales in the whole of the UK, and very high in south Wales. And even if people cannot even feed their meters, they're still subject...

3. Topical Questions: Prepayment Meters ( 8 Feb 2023)

Sioned Williams: ...and supply of electricity and the supply of gas are, of course, both reserved to Westminster under the Government of Wales Act 2006. Consumer protection is also a reserved matter. Given this, what representations has the Welsh Government made to get these powers devolved, so we can ensure that the ban we need is implemented and maintained? Will the Minister call on the UK Government to...

3. Topical Questions: Prepayment Meters ( 8 Feb 2023)

Jack Sargeant: 1. In light of the Ofgem announcement of a halt in the forced installation of prepay meters, what representations has the Minister made to the UK Government regarding support for those facing disconnection as a result of being forcibly switched already this winter? TQ722

6. Statement by the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Interim Report of the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales (31 Jan 2023)

Mick Antoniw: ...when we met with them—'How are you going to go about it?' There was clearly a lot of work and a lot of thought about it. And we all know from our own engagement with our communities that it's not an easy process. People who are disengaged from civic society in that way are difficult to engage with—they have dropped out for a particular reason—but I'm confident that they are clearly...

6. Statement by the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Interim Report of the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales (31 Jan 2023)

Mick Antoniw: ...issues, constitutional issues, governance issues and so on.  It really is for them to determine the areas that they think are, actually, important, where the evidence they conclude and the representations they get within the framework, where that leads them. I'd be very surprised if all of those issues are not ones that are being looked at, and looked at in some detail and being engaged...

6. Statement by the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Interim Report of the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales (31 Jan 2023)

Mick Antoniw: Can I say, firstly, that I think your representation of the interim report and the work up to that stage is, indeed, a misrepresentation? Because what they have done is put forward a whole series of evidence sessions. Again, you're right in terms of the online consultation, and, to be honest, that's the same with just about every online consultation that takes place, that you have a large...

7. Debate on the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee Report — 'Increasing costs: Impact on culture and sport' (25 Jan 2023)

Dawn Bowden: ...library in 2023-24 and 2024-25. With regard to recommendation 2, again, this refers to a UK Government scheme. The energy bill relief scheme is a UK Government initiative, and we've already made representations to the UK Government around including intensive users, such as swimming pools, within the highest threshold for support. We're working closely with Sport Wales, with the Welsh...

3. Questions to the Senedd Commission: Promoting The Welsh Parliament (25 Jan 2023)

Elin Jones: international networks and facilitating programmes for visiting parliamentary delegations, such as the Canadian federal Parliament last week, and welcoming diplomats to this place, such as the representation from Catalonia this morning. Our international framework was recently agreed in a Commission meeting. It sets out the objective of raising the Senedd’s profile and the value of...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (25 Jan 2023)

Mick Antoniw: Thank you, again, for the question. Representations have already been made. You'll be aware that I am—and, indeed, the First Minister is—very much on the record in a similar tone. It will be raised at future meetings that will be taking place. But, of course, in terms of the UK Government, I have to say, on this Bill, we have had no engagement. There has been no consultation, no...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: UK COVID-19 Public Inquiry (25 Jan 2023)

Mick Antoniw: ...from across the UK, with the Welsh Government inquiry team recommending to them that advice be sought from the bar's Wales and Chester circuit. It is the case, of course, in terms of the legal representation being organised by the Welsh Government, that there is significant input from the Welsh bar, and obviously I will do everything I can, in every sphere that I work in, to actually...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill (25 Jan 2023)

Carolyn Thomas: ...realise the implications. I know you keep highlighting it, but I just don't think people realise, and it will be too late when it happens. Counsel General, could you please provide an update on the representations that you have made to the UK Government about its infringement on devolved matters through this wholly unnecessary and dangerous Bill? Thank you. 

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Warm Hubs (25 Jan 2023)

Jane Hutt: Thank you very much, Vikki Howells. And again, the representation across all constituencies—yours in the Cynon Valley—of volunteers running these projects, instigating these projects, and I want to put on record again my sincere thanks to all of the volunteers who are responding, helping to support their communities. Also, just to confirm, this goes back to our £1 million warm hubs...

2. Business Statement and Announcement (24 Jan 2023)

Lesley Griffiths: ...increase in the energy costs they're experiencing. I know the Welsh Government prepared a response to the UK Government's consultation that they had on the future of the EBRS, and that did include representations on behalf of not just the companies that you refer to, but also the energy-intensive sectors as well, and I know that the Minister is very aware of the concerns of stakeholders...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Public Transport Accessibility (24 Jan 2023)

Mark Drakeford: ...of the ministerial disability equality forum, chaired by my colleague Jane Hutt, at the end of November—a meeting that focused on the experience of people with disabilities, including a good representation of people who are themselves visually impaired, together with the chief executive of Transport for Wales and senior Welsh Government transport staff. That meeting will be followed up...

9. Short Debate: Developing the hydrogen energy sector in Wales (18 Jan 2023)

Julie James: ...has huge potential to reduce emissions and support the economic transition, especially in energy-intensive industries. For some, hydrogen is seen as key in their road map to net zero. Transport is another potential area of use, particularly for some heavy goods vehicles, rail and potentially aviation, and, indeed, for ferries, as Rhun pointed out. And for the power sector, hydrogen can act...

6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Offshore renewable energy (18 Jan 2023)

Julie James: As I was saying, the UK Government relies far too heavily on the RAB mechanism for funding these things, which adds costs to customer bills, rather than on general taxation. It is regressive and it places a disproportionate burden on those who can least bear it, which in itself slows progress towards the energy system we need. A different model of investment is desperately required. But...

1. Questions to the First Minister: North Denbighshire Community Hospital (17 Jan 2023)

Mark Drakeford: ...whole of north Wales, and just as the Member has this afternoon, absolutely in line with his responsibilities, spoken up for his community and his constituency, so we receive similar letters and representations on the part of many other schemes across the whole of north Wales. So, the board must decide where its own priorities lie. And secondly, in that meeting, it was also agreed that the...

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