Results 41–60 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Mark Isherwood -speaker:Natasha Asghar -speaker:Mark Reckless -speaker:Mark Reckless

7. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Liver disease (11 Jan 2023)

Lynne Neagle: ...due to hepatitis B and C by 65 per cent by 2030. A new hepatitis B and C elimination programme oversight group has been established to drive the elimination agenda here in Wales. The group includes representation from Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, hepatitis B and C health services and the third sector. The first action of this group was to agree on the content of a communication...

6. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Diversity in Democracy — Survey Results (10 Jan 2023)

Sarah Murphy: ...their own time. They actually posted today their code of conduct that they've created, which includes being non-judgmental, respecting other's values, as well as no colourful language or vaping. Another wonderful young person that I'd like to highlight is Tyler from Cornelly, who, during the local government elections last year, took part in the pilot on voting from his school, Cynffig...

6. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Diversity in Democracy — Survey Results (10 Jan 2023)

Sioned Williams: ...since 2017, but far from being where we should be in terms of equality, of course. Although two councils are equal in terms of gender balance, the picture in other areas is unacceptable, where the representation of women is as low as 18 per cent. So, what specific steps is the Government taking to improve representation of women in local government? You mentioned in the introduction to...

6. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Diversity in Democracy — Survey Results (10 Jan 2023)

Rebecca Evans: Thank you very much for those questions and the important point about women's representation in local government. We are absolutely far from where we should be in terms of the number of women who are taking on the role of councillors, but also council leaders. We have very, very few women council leaders in Wales, and that's something that we would want to see increased in future as well.  I...

6. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Diversity in Democracy — Survey Results (10 Jan 2023)

Llyr Gruffydd: ...that surrounds these roles, unfortunately, and the way that the broader community—the perception that the broader community has of what some of these councillors do. But, whether we agree or not with their politics, we have to recognise that they have been willing to step up and to take that responsibility and that they are doing it for the very best reasons, whether we agree or not with...

6. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Diversity in Democracy — Survey Results (10 Jan 2023)

Sam Rowlands: ...statement. The first is in relation to flexibility. You outlined the work that's being done to ensure more flexibility for council meetings, which is, of course, welcome, to encourage that broad representation and improve accessibility. However, it's crucially important that our local councillors don't lose the focus of the in-person nature of representation as well. Often, some of the...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Cost-of-living Crisis (10 Jan 2023)

Mark Drakeford: Llywydd, I recognise the dilemma that Peter Fox points to. I want to, as he did, pay tribute to the fantastic work that voluntary organisations and the third sector carry out here in Wales. And it's not a surprise to hear that many of those organisations, where there has been some extra funding available, want to put that into expanding the services that they provide, given the significance...

4. Debate on a Statement: The Draft Budget 2023-24 (13 Dec 2022)

Rebecca Evans: One of the things that I am disappointed not to be able to do is make further significant capital allocations. That was a matter of deep regret, that there was no further capital as a result of the autumn statement. Our capital budget will be 8.1 per cent lower in 2024-25 than in the current year. And, of course, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the London School of...

4. Debate on a Statement: The Draft Budget 2023-24 (13 Dec 2022)

Rebecca Evans: Diolch, Llywydd, and thank you to all colleagues for what I think has been a really constructive set of comments and representations this afternoon. And I know that, once colleagues have had the chance to digest the full suite of budget information, there will inevitably be lots more questions and comments, so I'm more than happy to continue that dialogue as we move forward towards the...

4. Debate on a Statement: The Draft Budget 2023-24 (13 Dec 2022)

Heledd Fychan: Someone wrote to me this week: 'Nothing is getting better; everything is getting worse day by day. Even some of the handouts that I have received are just not making any difference. What will change for me and what promises can you make?' Well, it's extremely difficult, because, even looking at this budget, the questions that we are being asked are not going to be solved or addressed. There...

10. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Business rates for self-catering accommodation ( 7 Dec 2022)

Vaughan Gething: ...of self-catering properties for the non-domestic rating list undertaken by the Valuation Office Agency. On that at least, Janet Finch-Saunders is right. Compliance with the new criteria will not be assessed until after April 2023. An assessment is based on records for the 12 months before the date it relates to. That means that an assessment for a given date in 2023 will consider evidence...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Access to Justice ( 7 Dec 2022)

Mick Antoniw: fall at an alarming rate—with several police station schemes on the verge of collapse.' We know that in our Valleys, our advice deserts. 'Access to justice—including the fundamental right to representation at the police station—is in serious peril and the government is ignoring the threat.' It says the reckless decision is 'likely to prove to be a fatal blow to a criminal justice...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 7 Dec 2022)

Mark Isherwood: ..., as an advocate for her—as I've done scores of times with constituents and public bodies; I'm sure you have also—she received a message from the local authority this weekend, stating, 'I'm not able to invite Mark to the meeting as I've been informed by higher management that if Mark has any issues regarding yourself or your son, he needs to access customer services.' I hope you'll...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: The Voluntary Sector ( 7 Dec 2022)

Jane Hutt: terms of the third sector, and this would affect even these rescue centres, about the fact that they are going to face high energy costs as well. I hope that you will support us in terms of representations to the UK Government that there needs to be support beyond April in terms of the costs faced by the voluntary sector. But we are looking towards supporting the county voluntary...

2. Business Statement and Announcement ( 6 Dec 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: ...cost-of-living crisis' and how it's just become part of our language, really, over the past few months. I was speaking with the Minister for Social Justice this morning. I know she's making urgent representations to the UK Government, and I'm sure she'll be very happy to update Members when those discussions have—. Well, they're not going to conclude, are they; I think they will...

8. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Wales COVID-19 inquiry special purpose committee (30 Nov 2022)

Rhun ap Iorwerth: ...of the motion. All of us in this Chamber represent people affected by this terrible pandemic: people who have lost loved ones, people who want to know that when this happens again—hopefully not in our lifetimes—that Wales can be prepared, as prepared as possible, and as well armed as we possibly could be to make the right decisions next time. It was obvious we would need an inquiry. We...

4. Statement by the Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief Whip: Public Commemoration in Wales: Guidance for Public Bodies (29 Nov 2022)

Dawn Bowden: ...commemorations. For example, very few people of black, Asian or minority ethnic heritage, and very few named women, have been publicly commemorated in Wales, and it would be difficult to find any representation of disabled and LGBTQ+ people. So, as we reflect on who is commemorated already, we should also reflect on who and what is missing, taking opportunities to address...

8. Debate on the Local Government and Housing Committee Report: The provision of sites for Gypsy, Roma and Travellers (23 Nov 2022)

John Griffiths: ...from local services and amenities, including schools, and are usually situated near busy A-roads and industrial infrastructure. We heard from Professor Jo Richardson of De Montfort University, who noted that sites are often located in unsuitable areas, 'because it's the patch of land that had the least hostility, that could be developed'. This deprives the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller...

11. Short Debate: Horse-racing: An economic and sporting asset for Wales (16 Nov 2022)

Llyr Gruffydd: ...Members of the Senedd, who I'm glad to see are here this evening. The day started, of course, with a trip to Oliver Greenall racing to visit a racehorse training yard, which is something we're not usually exposed to when we see coverage of training. There are over 500 such vital rural businesses across Britain, 20 here in Wales, and, I have to say, you'd struggle to find more hard-working...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy: Labour Market Outcomes for Women (16 Nov 2022)

Vaughan Gething: ...when it comes to the reward of their workforce and recognise the fact that everyone should be paid fairly. It's also, therefore, about why fair work isn't just something that goes into trade union representation and organisations. It's all of those things and the sorts of companies that we want to work with, and it's part of the requirement we expect of people who want support from the...

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