Results 61–80 of 1320 for representation -taxation speaker:Julie James -speaker:Mandy Jones -speaker:Angela Burns -speaker:Mick Antoniw -speaker:Julie Morgan -speaker:Julie Morgan

Did you mean representations NOT taxation speaker:Julie James speaker:Mandy Jones speaker:Angela Burns speaker:Mick Antoniw speaker:Julie Morgan speaker:Julie Morgan?

8. Plaid Cymru Debate: Global impact of domestic consumption ( 9 Nov 2022)

Julie James: ...of our responsibility to act as a globally responsible nation, we've been clear with the UK Government that no trade agreement should ever undermine our economic domestic policies. In Wales, we do not view trade deals in purely economic terms. Elements of trade deals that could advance protections around labour and the environment, including deforestation, are treated as one of our main...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Hillsborough Disaster ( 9 Nov 2022)

Mick Antoniw: ...of missed opportunities to actually discuss on an inter-ministerial level, inter-governmental level, the issue of Hillsborough and other similar issues. The inter-ministerial group on justice has not yet been established, but I am hopeful that it will be very, very soon. In terms of Welsh Government, I can confirm, and say again for the record, that we support the calls for the...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill ( 9 Nov 2022)

Carolyn Thomas: Thank you for the answer, Counsel General. I know you agree that this bonfire of the EU retained law started by Rees-Mogg is an extremely dangerous one. Not only does it put at risk important protections, including workers' rights and climate measures, it's also a blatant attempt to undermine devolution, Welsh Government and this Senedd. Given that this Bill will have serious implications for...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 9 Nov 2022)

Hannah Blythyn: Can I thank the Member for his further questions? I just want to point to one element where people will be surprised that we may agree. It's around the need for diversity of representation as part of the social partnership council, through those bodies that are represented on the body as proposed. You are right that, actually, you can't extend it to everybody, because, as I've said in...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople ( 9 Nov 2022)

Hannah Blythyn: .... Well, the socially responsible procurement process is conducted by those public bodies. We then have a social partnership council, and a public procurement sub-group, which is made up of equal representation of Government, employers and trade unions to work through any challenges that come and to look to mediate. There is no sign-off or ransom, as the Member puts it.  And the other...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The Armed Forces Community ( 8 Nov 2022)

Alun Davies: ...on the armed forces, I'd like to echo the points that Darren Millar has made. The armed forces liaison officers form a critical part of the infrastructure of the provision of services, and the representation of need within local government across Wales. We were able to extend the funding—I think it was for two years—which runs out now in March, and it would be a really essential and...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Child Poverty (25 Oct 2022)

Mike Hedges: Many children are living in poverty not caused by parental indolence or wastefulness; many parents are working two or three jobs, but at minimum wage, on irregular hours. The expansion of free school meals to a universal provision of meals is very welcome. What further help can the Welsh Government give to support foodbanks, and will the Welsh Government make representation to end the fixed...

1. Questions to the Minister for Climate Change: National Parks (19 Oct 2022)

James Evans: ..., Minister. In our national parks, it is vital that local people feel that they are part of the decision-making process, and that the national parks actually stand up for them and that they have representation from that area. The Welsh Government appoints a number of people to national parks, but, unfortunately, some of those people aren't even from Wales. So, what I would like to see is a...

9. Debate: The Children's Commissioner for Wales's Annual Report 2021-22 (18 Oct 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...cost-of-living crisis and its impact on those who are most in need. And it is important that we recognise—and I thank Peter for recognising—that the lack of response from the UK Government is not good, is it, in terms of the representations that have been made to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions? But I think I would like to say that I've already also written to the...

9. Debate: The Children's Commissioner for Wales's Annual Report 2021-22 (18 Oct 2022)

Heledd Fychan: ...the voices of the children and young people of Wales. I think it shows in this report the value of having that key role of the commissioner to make sure that children and young people have that representation, but are offered those opportunities so that their own direct voices are heard. I think one of the things that I've reflected on, reading the report, was the fact that so many...

3. Statement by the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Welsh Government's response to the Chancellor's statement on the medium-term fiscal plan (18 Oct 2022)

Carolyn Thomas: Thank you. So, Minister, what representations will you be making back to the UK Government that we do need investment in public services? Thirty per cent of people in Wales are employed in public services, and you need them to help the private sector grow. Thank you. 

Debate on the General Principles of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill and Motion to agree the financial resolution in respect of the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill (11 Oct 2022)

Julie James: ...on the case study that they included, however. Very respectfully, Huw, I'm very sorry to say that we just don't agree that the legislation and justice committee's case study is an accurate representation of the position. Our position is very much that the provisions of the Bill are within competence, are fully effective and enforceable. So, that includes the provisions that make it an...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders (11 Oct 2022)

Mark Drakeford: ...s a very fair summary of my position. And that I believe that, 'all decisions made by the Welsh Government must be seen in the context of those made by the UK Government'. Again, an absolutely fair representation of my view. They then say, 'CBFJC have therefore shifted their focus to ensuring that Wales is fully scrutinised in the UK Covid-19 Inquiry'. I think it's easier that I put their...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Right to Protest ( 5 Oct 2022)

Carolyn Thomas: ...Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 now places on our freedoms in the UK. Counsel General, do you agree with me that the right to protest peacefully is a vital part of our democracy? What representations have you made to the UK Government since these arrests? Thank you.

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Supreme Court ( 5 Oct 2022)

Mick Antoniw: ..., and if they go to the Supreme Court, they should be heard in Wales. That's something I very much support and will encourage. I'm prepared to look at that further with a view to perhaps further representations being made. I have read the reports on that. I certainly do agree that we want the Supreme Court to deal with Welsh matters in Wales. I don't think there is a closed door on that...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Supreme Court ( 5 Oct 2022)

Mick Antoniw: Thank you for the question. I am pleased to note the resumption of Welsh representation on the Supreme Court following the reappointment of Lord Lloyd-Jones last month. I continue to raise the necessity for formal, rather than fortuitous, representation of the Welsh judiciary in our highest court with the Lord Chancellor and justice Ministers. 

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Racial Discrimination within the Justice System ( 5 Oct 2022)

Mick Antoniw: ...system, to enable us to assess the sort of policy that's needed. You need that database, and so on. Now, that is recognised by many within the justice system, and, of course, I accept that it is not necessarily that easy to suddenly start converting systems to do it. It has started, and there is, of course, a dashboard of information that the Minister for Social Justice has been very...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Cost-of-living Support (28 Sep 2022)

Buffy Williams: ...empty lunch boxes because they didn't want their friends to know there's no food at home. The new Tory Prime Minister, through the mini budget, believes the answer is to cut tax for millionaires, not to scrap bankers' bonuses, and to let energy companies keep their extortionate profits. The mini budget also does nothing for local authorities. They now have £200 million less to spend next...

6. Statement by the Minister for Economy: Qatar 2022 (27 Sep 2022)

Tom Giffard: ...Cymru campaign, which sets aside £2.5 million to deliver what you call an enhanced marketing programme. But, these things are usually only worth the paper they're written on if you also publish not only the monetary figure but the metrics by which this scheme would be judged a success. So, what does success look like, exactly, on the back of this particular fund? How can we judge whether...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Water Quality (27 Sep 2022)

Carolyn Thomas: ...Wales. Unfortunately, border communities, like the ones I represent in north Wales, could still be impacted by fracking. In particular, contamination of the water quality is a serious threat. What representations will be made to the UK Government regarding concerns about water protection from fracking here in Wales?

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