Results 81–100 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Lee Waters -speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Ken Skates -speaker:Ken Skates

1. Questions to the First Minister: Water Quality (27 Sep 2022)

Carolyn Thomas: ...Wales. Unfortunately, border communities, like the ones I represent in north Wales, could still be impacted by fracking. In particular, contamination of the water quality is a serious threat. What representations will be made to the UK Government regarding concerns about water protection from fracking here in Wales?

7. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Basic Income and the transition to a zero-carbon economy (13 Jul 2022)

Jane Hutt: fair working conditions for the Welsh workforce, and this is central to our transition to a zero-carbon economy, as we move to a cleaner, stronger, fairer Wales. Employee voice and collective representation is an essential characteristic of fair work, so it's important that workers in the sectors affected have a strong voice and are effectively represented in the transition to net zero....

5. & 6. Motion to amend Standing Orders — Standing Order 34 and remote participation in Senedd proceedings, and Motion to amend Standing Orders — Proxy Voting (13 Jul 2022)

Heledd Fychan: May I say how much I welcome this motion today, not for my sake or that of any of us here as Senedd Members now, but for those who would never consider that it was a possibility for them to become a Member of the Senedd—people with caring responsibilities, for example, not only with children, but perhaps with an elderly parent or a partner who needs their support; disabled people who think...

2. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services: The Health Service in North Wales (13 Jul 2022)

Baroness Mair Eluned Morgan: Thanks very much. Let's just be clear that the board is not supposed to be a geographic representation. If we started that, then it would be very difficult to get representation from the whole of Wales. [Interruption.] I will carry on. I've had the pleasure of speaking to Dr Rajan Madhok. He is somebody who retired to Wales four years ago. He's had an incredibly sparkling career. He's been a...

2. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services: The Health Service in North Wales (13 Jul 2022)

Sam Rowlands: board that patients are dealing with at the moment. But my understanding, Minister, is that just one of the newly appointed board members actually lives in north Wales, with, actually, them not being from the area, having worked and lived elsewhere for the vast majority of their time. I also understand, Minister, that six of the board members went to the same university, where the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy: A Community Bank for Wales (13 Jul 2022)

Vaughan Gething: The vision for the community bank is one that's got support on all sides of the Chamber, and that in itself is relatively unusual. The challenge, though, I think, is in having not just the vision, but then being able to do something where we're able to provide real-life banking services that people will want and will use, and also that we're able to have a programme of opening the physical...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy: The Economic Impact of Brexit (13 Jul 2022)

Jane Dodds: ...UK food companies, possibly to the tune of hundreds of millions of pounds. Those costs will obviously be passed on to the consumers. Could you provide an update for us, please,  Minister, on what representations you have been making to the UK Government about militating against those costs to businesses, to prevent the cost being passed on to our already hard-pressed households? Diolch yn...

8. Finance Committee Debate: The Welsh Government's spending priorities for 2023-24 (13 Jul 2022)

...To propose that the Senedd: Notes the engagement work undertaken by the Finance Committee regarding the Welsh Government's spending priorities for the 2023-24 budget, and further notes the representations made by participants at the following events: a) stakeholder event in Llanhilleth Miners’ Institute; b) workshop with Members from the Welsh Youth Parliament; and c) citizen engagement...

11. The Restricted Roads (20 mph Speed Limit) (Wales) Order 2022 (12 Jul 2022)

Natasha Asghar: ...on 20 mph speed limits in 2018. They concluded that the 20 mph speed zones have made no impact on road safety, and drivers have only reduced their speed by 0.7 mph in these zones. Also, speed was not the most common factor involved in road accidents. The biggest contributing factor to accidents was, in fact, a failure to observe on the part of both motorists and pedestrians. There is also...

8. Statement by the Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee: The procedure for dealing with complaints against Members of the Senedd ( 6 Jul 2022)

Vikki Howells: ...time to bed in and to review it at a later point in this Senedd, to ensure that it remains fit for purpose, which is, of course, good practice, and to address any issues that may have arisen. And I note the Member's comments, and they can be fed into that review. And, as Joyce Watson has correctly identified, the appeals process was never really intended for the way in which Joyce would...

8. Statement by the Chair of the Standards of Conduct Committee: The procedure for dealing with complaints against Members of the Senedd ( 6 Jul 2022)

Vikki Howells: ...and considered by the committee, with the final report being debated in Plenary. The Member who has been complained about has the right to attend the relevant committee meeting in person to make representations. We strengthened the oral hearing stage of the procedure, so that it is clearer that this is the opportunity for the Member to raise issues of factual dispute or procedural concern...

6. Motion to annul the Non-Domestic Rating (Amendment of Definition of Domestic Property) (Wales) Order 2022 ( 6 Jul 2022)

Rebecca Evans: ...contributions to the community through the higher economic activity that they support, and those below the threshold will make their contribution through council tax in the same way as those who do not meet the current thresholds. And this, in turn, is part of our three-pronged approach to addressing the impact that large numbers of second homes and holiday lets can have on communities....

3. Questions to the Senedd Commission: Members' Support Staff Pension Scheme ( 6 Jul 2022)

Elin Jones: Commission staff are members of the civil service pension scheme, and that scheme is a statutory one, and so the Member support staff are not eligible for that specific scheme, namely the civil service scheme. In terms of what you as Members—. I heard other Members applauding what you said, Luke Fletcher. If you want to influence the pensions for support staff and the support staff want to...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Welsh Legal Sector ( 6 Jul 2022)

Rhys ab Owen: ...of legal aid cuts by the Tory Government. Legal aid, I'm sure you'll agree with me, Cwnsler Cyffredinol, is welfare; for years, it's been levelling people up so that they can have decent legal representation. As the Welsh Government's legal officer, when justice is devolved to Wales, will you give us a guarantee that lawyers will be properly respected and properly remunerated when that happens?

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Access to Justice ( 6 Jul 2022)

Huw Irranca-Davies: ...General, together with the Minister for Social Justice, to make a clear assessment of the cumulative impact of this raft of UK legislation, strident UK legislation, and then make the strongest representations to the UK Government, both in your meetings and in your public pronouncements, too. 

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: The Trade Union (Wales) Act 2017 ( 6 Jul 2022)

Joyce Watson: both those people being represented and those companies who employ people. It very often results in very early resolutions rather than escalation of issues that people feel that they need representation on. And, very often, very simple things that can be resolved at an early stage—things like health and safety, pay negotiations. In other words, talking to each other and representing...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Access to Justice in Wales ( 6 Jul 2022)

Mick Antoniw: .... We have had, of course, the Bellamy review. I met with Lord Bellamy, and we discussed the improvements that he is proposing in respect of criminal legal aid. Some improvements have been not only recommended, but it has been indicated by the UK Government that they will be implemented. Of course, Lord Bellamy is now a justice Minister, but it's profoundly disappointing that the UK...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: The UK Government's Proposed Bill of Rights ( 6 Jul 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...22 June, reinforcing our concerns. Last week, we had an excellent cross-party group, chaired by Sioned Williams, on human rights. The voice from civil society was so strong, as well as cross-party representation, making clear their concerns about the Bill, and, of course, that spreads well beyond Government—absolute rejection of all the consultation responses that came out against the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Racial Discrimination ( 6 Jul 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...and I do welcome that question. Indeed, if you look at the anti-racist action plan for Wales, it covers every department of the Welsh Government, with actions and goals. So, clearly, that includes not just health but health and social care as well. So, the goals, as far as the Wales NHS are concerned, are that it should be and must be anti-racist, and staff should be able to work in safe,...

7. Statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services: Women’s Health ( 5 Jul 2022)

Russell George: ...I took the health brief on, and before my role on the Health and Social Care Committee, I would have had little understanding of myself. But certainly, I appreciate the need for the plan. I'm not overly impressed with the quality statement itself, but the women's health plan that will flow from that I certainly look forward to in the autumn.  When it comes to the Health and Social Care...

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