Results 101–120 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Suzy Davies -speaker:Suzy Davies -speaker:Siân Gwenllian -speaker:Siân Gwenllian

2. Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: European Union Import Checks (29 Jun 2022)

Rhianon Passmore: 8. What representations has the Welsh Government made to the UK Government about the impact on Welsh farming of the delayed introduction of European Union import checks? OQ58277

6. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Empowering communities (22 Jun 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...across Wales. Just to say, in terms of part of Wales's recovery from the pandemic, we've been working in partnership with the third sector partnership council, which I chair. There's cross-sectoral representation there from across community and voluntary third sector groups. I think the recovery plan is important, and it helps us as I respond to this debate, because as a result of the...

Group 10: Consent for collaborating bodies (Amendments 23, 24, 25, 26. 27, 28, 29. 30, 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62) (21 Jun 2022)

Jeremy Miles: ..., and Education Committee regarding provisions dealing with consent for the passage of funds to collaborating bodies. At Stage 2 I explained that removing these provisions in their entirety would not be appropriate as there remains a need to ensure funding passing from directly funded providers to other bodies is subject to appropriate controls. Ensuring that we have a general consent...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: Hydrogen strategy (15 Jun 2022)

Julie James: difficult to decarbonise, and hydrogen has a key role in the road map to net zero for those sectors. Llywydd, it's absolutely essential that we look to decarbonise these sectors, and we do not create incentives that lock us into a continued dependency on fossil fuels. While I recognise there is a transition for some sectors in using hydrogen generated from fossil fuels, this must be a...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: Hydrogen strategy (15 Jun 2022)

Samuel Kurtz: This is a topic that the Member has made many representations about previously, but diverts slightly away from the topic of hydrogen, which we'll focus on, given that time is of the essence. If this is achieved, Wales would be able to export hydrogen across the country. But, Pembrokeshire needs a 100 per cent hydrogen pipeline to be built, connecting the Haven to south Wales's industrial...

4. Statement by the Minister for Climate Change: Gwent Levels / Nature Recovery Exemplar Areas (14 Jun 2022)

Julie James: ...cultural and recreation asset for locals and visitors. In July last year, I released a written statement on taking action to better protect and manage the Gwent levels, following the decision not to proceed with the M4 relief road in 2019. Today, I am updating Members on the progress being made and the measures I am supporting to ensure the levels have the right level of protection and...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Llyr Gruffydd: ...which would mean fewer additional costs ultimately. So, I see this as an investment rather than a cost. More than that, of course, it's an investment that brings other positives, such as expanding representation to ensure that there is more balance and more diversity among those who are representing in this Senedd.

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

John Griffiths: an increase in capacity and resource to enable that job, that bigger job, to be done as effectively as it needs to be done, and that is the point, isn't it? It's about powers for a purpose, not powers for the sake of having those powers, but powers to deliver better for the people of Wales. And I would like to say as well, Dirprwy Lywydd, that I do believe, from a Labour and Welsh...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Sioned Williams: ...exist, although report after report points to the contrary, and the make-up of this Senedd proves it beyond a doubt. There are those who feel that we don't need statutory measures to ensure better representation. After all, we wore our early gender balance achievements as a badge of pride and patted ourselves on the back for leading the way. But when we look around this Siambr, we can see...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Sioned Williams: So, why are gender quotas a necessary step? How will they be effective? Well, gender quotas will provide a quick and simple solution to the unjustifiable fact of women's under-representation, or potential under-representation, in elected politics. International research shows that they are the single most effective tool for fast-tracking women's representation in elected bodies for...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

James Evans: You might not like to hear what I've got to say, but I'm sure some of the people of Wales will. Well, well, well. It's been almost a year to the day since I stood in this Chamber and I delivered a speech against, then, Labour, Plaid and the Lib Dems' calls for more powers to this Senedd. Now, we're back here again discussing having more politicians. No wonder people out there think...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Siân Gwenllian: ...of the reasons why I decided to try to become a Member of the Senedd six years ago, because I believed that we needed many more women in influential roles in public life. I also believe that we cannot reach gender equality at the speed required without direct intervention and without specific mechanisms to achieve equality. For some years now, I have been chairing the Senedd's cross-party...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Natasha Asghar: ...of gender balance should never be at the expense of genuine diversity and equality. I am proud of the fact that I am the first woman of colour to be elected here to the Welsh Parliament, but I did not get here and stand amongst you all today due to the colour of my skin. I am humbled every day by the fact that I got here on my own merit and through equal competition with some very...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Jane Dodds: ...capacity to do that justice, especially given the significant shift in the lay of the land in recent years.  Secondly, I am pleased that the committee has been able to navigate the issue of gender representation. We need to bake into the legislation measures that act as a stop-gap to ensure that we don't fall further behind. This also gives us the opportunity to put forward on other...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Darren Millar: We must remember that the existing system of elections has delivered 50:50 representation on a gender basis in this Senedd in the past. And on that basis, there's no actual need to take this particular action. So, why on earth would this Welsh Government want to embark upon a journey that is going to end in the Supreme Court on the current basis of the devolution settlement? Because that's...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Darren Millar: We believe that people should be selected as candidates not because of their gender, or their race, or their religion, or their disability, but because of their qualities and merits as candidates. That is our firm belief. And I ask the question as well: why do we actually need to take any action on that front when you look at the fact that the Senedd actually had...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Darren Millar: The issue of a referendum comes at the end of the discussions and deliberations, does it not? And we are at that point where recommendations have been made by the committee, and it's at that point, when you look at the significant changes that have been recommended, that you have to accept that the public of Wales have not had their say. Now, we acknowledge that there is a majority in this...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Huw Irranca-Davies: ...for the Welsh Government to deliver the legislation needed and to set out a clear pathway for reforming our Senedd. We can choose to give the people of Wales a stronger voice and include diversity, representation and inclusion at the heart of this Senedd, where the votes are more equal. We can make a Senedd that is fit for today and, also, fit for the future. The case for change is urgent;...

6. Debate on the Report of the Special Purpose Committee on Senedd Reform — Reforming our Senedd: A stronger voice for the people of Wales ( 8 Jun 2022)

Huw Irranca-Davies: ...40 Members necessary for a supermajority here in this Senedd. As we state in the report, we firmly believe that these reforms are essential and they are achievable before 2026, but to do so, we cannot dither or delay.  Today, we in this Siambr can choose to send a clear message to the Government that there is now a consensus that we should move forward. In presenting this report, I and...

4. Topical Questions: The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 ( 8 Jun 2022)

Julie James: ...high demand like the centre of Cardiff, as Jenny Rathbone made plain, and indeed in the centre of my own constituency, in Swansea. We are very aware of that and we have, as I said, made a number of representations on the local housing allowance, and we continue to make efforts to ensure that landlords are aware of our leasing schemes to give them a guaranteed income if they are prepared to...

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