David Rees: Thank you, all.
David Rees: We'll move now to item 5, Member debate under Standing Order 11.21, biometric data in schools. And I call on Sarah Murphy to move the motion.
David Rees: The final vote is on item 5, the debate on the local government settlement for 2023-24. I call for a vote on the motion tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 29, 12 abstentions and 15 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
David Rees: That brings us to the end of this voting session.
David Rees: Before we move to the Stage 3 debate on the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Bill, I will suspend proceedings for 10 minutes in accordance with Standing Order 12.18. The bell will be rung five minutes before we reconvene. Please could Members ensure that they return promptly?
David Rees: The next vote is on item 4, the debate on the final budget for 2023-24. Open the vote. Close the vote. In favour 29, 12 abstentions and 15 against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
David Rees: Thank you, Minister. The proposal is to agree the motion. Does any Member object? [Objection.] Yes, there is objection. I will therefore defer voting under this item until voting time.
David Rees: That brings us to voting time. Unless three Members wish for the bell to be rung, I will proceed directly to voting time.
David Rees: The first vote of this afternoon is on item 3, the debate on Welsh rates of income tax for 2023-24. I call for a vote on the motion tabled in the name of Lesley Griffiths. In favour 44, 12 abstentions and none against. Therefore, the motion is agreed.
David Rees: I call on the Minister to reply to the debate.
David Rees: Thank you, Minister. As voting on the Wales rates of income tax 2023-24 has been deferred until voting time, I will defer the vote on the final budget for 2023-24 until voting time as well, in accordance with Standing Order 20.29A.
David Rees: So, we move on now to item 5, which is a debate on the local government settlement for 2023-24, and I call on the Minister for Finance and Local Government to move the motion—Rebecca Evans.
David Rees: I call on the Minister for Finance and Local Government to reply to the debate. Rebecca Evans.
David Rees: And the final speaker in this debate before the Minister's response, Alun Davies.
David Rees: I ask Members to let the Member for North Wales continue his contribution, and that he can do so in his normal tones, without having to shout because there is too much noise in the Chamber.
David Rees: Can Members allow the Member for Mid and West Wales to actually conclude, please, by being quiet?
David Rees: [Inaudible.]
David Rees: Laura Anne Jones.
David Rees: Thank you, Peter.
David Rees: No. I have 14 Members wishing to speak. I need to use the time effectively. You need to conclude now, please.