Elin Jones: Thank you, Jane Hutt. Are there any other nominations?
Elin Jones: Dafydd Elis-Thomas. Is there a seconder, from another party?
Elin Jones: Are you sure now?
Elin Jones: Right, thank you. It helps if you take your earphones off, you know—you don’t hear yourself. Are there any other nominations? No other nominations for Presiding Officer. As we have two nominations, I would invite the two candidates to stand and say just a few words about themselves, and I hope I don’t have to have the prerogative of the Presiding Officer to call you to time this...
Elin Jones: Good afternoon. Good afternoon, everyone. Good afternoon. Croeso i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. And welcome to the first meeting of the fifth Assembly.
Elin Jones: The first item on the agenda is the election of a Presiding Officer, under Standing Order 6. So, I therefore invite nominations under Standing Order 6.6. Do we have any nominations? And we have to have a Member from a different political party to second any nomination. So, nominations please.