Results 141–160 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Sarah Murphy -speaker:Adam Price -speaker:Joyce Watson -speaker:Carolyn Thomas -speaker:Rebecca Evans

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: War Crimes in Ukraine ( 4 May 2022)

Jack Sargeant: 1. What representations has the Welsh Government made to the UK Government in respect of an international tribunal to prosecute Vladimir Putin’s war crimes in Ukraine? OQ57978

4. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Update on Ukraine ( 3 May 2022)

Huw Irranca-Davies: ...your statement reflects the experiences now of host families in my constituency. Some of these are—. They're just incredible families. They are living in terraced houses in my constituency, have not a great deal of means themselves, but have opened their homes to families from Ukraine, that they want to actually bring here right now. They are having to not only go through what they...

3. Statement by the Minister for Economy: Border Controls ( 3 May 2022)

Vaughan Gething: I thank the Member for the series of questions, which I'll try to answer as rapidly as possible. In terms of the representation the Welsh Government has made to the UK Government on the cost of living, and border policy on the cost of living, we've run through this several times in the Chamber. In direct conversation that has taken place within this Government, but also representations made...

3. Statement by the Minister for Economy: Border Controls ( 3 May 2022)

Paul Davies: ...that the decision to introduce import control checks has been scrapped quickly and without meaningful dialogue with Governments across the UK, and so, as a result, the Welsh Government has not had a huge amount of time to really consider the implications for Wales. Nevertheless, I'm grateful to the Minister for bringing this statement forward so that Members can attempt to better...

2. Business Statement and Announcement ( 3 May 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: Thank you, and I think Delyth Jewell raises a very important point, which affects, obviously, many of our constituents. I know, certainly, with my MS hat on, I've received representations. I think you're quite right, people don't recognise the menopause in the way it should be recognised. I'm very pleased Welsh Government has just appointed one of our officials to be the menopause champion,...

1. Questions to the First Minister: The New England Football Regulator ( 3 May 2022)

Jenny Rathbone: ...years ago, whose plane crashed on his way to Cardiff from Nantes. Last year, David Henderson was found guilty and received 18 months in prison for putting him on a plane piloted by someone who was not licensed to carry paying passengers, or to fly at night. As we're told, the new English football regulator is going to be focusing on the financial affairs of professional football clubs....

8. Short Debate: No place like home: Houses in multiple occupation and community empowerment (27 Apr 2022)

Lee Waters: Of course, we do also have Rent Smart Wales. I noticed Peredur Griffiths used a phrase about our sort of statutory framework, and I don't think we should dismiss that or underestimate that; I think that is an important and hard-fought gain that does give us an advantage. Any landlord of a privately rented property must register themselves and their properties, and Rent Smart Wales make sure...

2. Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: The Seafood Industry in Ynys Môn (27 Apr 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: ...absolutely, and I look forward to hearing your ideas at our meeting. I don't know if you're aware, but Seafood Expo Global is currently taking place out in Barcelona, and I know there is very good representation from Ynys Môn businesses there. In Dubai Expo 2020, which was held earlier this year, again I think there was good representation—certainly good representation from the seafood...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Apprenticeship Levy (27 Apr 2022)

Rebecca Evans: We did make strong representations to the UK Government at the time when the UK Government was considering introducing the levy, making that point that it does essentially represent an additional tax burden for the public sector here in Wales, and effectively it reduces the funding available to them to fulfil their duties. As the revenues from the levy have replaced existing apprenticeship...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Apprenticeship Levy (27 Apr 2022)

Carolyn Thomas: Wales as a result of the levy. For instance, Flintshire County Council—I must declare I'm still a Flintshire councillor for a week—will incur an additional cost of £617,840 this year. What representations has the Minister made to the UK Government about the financial impact of the apprenticeship levy on the public sector here in Wales? Thank you.

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: The Tourism Industry (27 Apr 2022)

Rebecca Evans: local taxes, and we had around 1,000 responses to that consultation, which was an excellent response. And the views that were collected through that consultation, including, I have to say, representations from the wider tourism industry, did clearly support a change to the criteria for self-catering accommodation to be classified as non-domestic. And there was a wide range, it is true...

6. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Delivery of the Programme for Government commitment to fund additional PCSOs (26 Apr 2022)

Jane Hutt: ..., we're working on that and I'll be making a statement soon on the way forward with our anti-racist action plan, because there's a recognition that black, Asian and minority ethnic people have over-representation in our criminal justice system, but not enough diversity within the workforce. And I'm pleased that we're working together and looking at that, but very much building on the lived...

2. Questions to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language: A-level Students (30 Mar 2022)

Hefin David: My question was going to be very similar to Russell George's, so I'll adjust it slightly to say that I've had the same kind of representations. One constituent particularly has asked for exams not to take place this year. Now, that's not a view that I actually support, because I think if we're going to move away from exams it needs to be done in a strategic and planned way. But certainly it...

1. Business Statement and Announcement (29 Mar 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: Thank you. I think you said that you'd already made representations direct to the Deputy Minister. As you are aware, Royal Mail is obviously a reserved issue, but we do all obviously rely on postal services in a way that you've just described, and, I think, during the pandemic, we've relied on them even more. I'm sure, if you have made representations to the Deputy Minister, she will respond...

1. Business Statement and Announcement (29 Mar 2022)

Heledd Fychan: issue that I have previously corresponded with the Deputy Minister for Social Partnership on, as I know that she regularly meets with the Royal Mail, and she has, and I'm grateful for this, made representations previously on behalf of constituents. However, services in many parts of the Rhondda in particular are sporadic, with deliveries in recent months being once a fortnight in areas...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Religious buildings (23 Mar 2022)

Dawn Bowden: ...looking after historic places of worship, and foremost of its actions was setting up a places of worship forum to share information and best practice and review ongoing needs. The forum attracted representation from across the sector and for several years used its meetings as an opportunity to learn from a range of projects across Wales. These physical meetings were, of course, halted by...

3. Topical Questions: Ukrainian Refugees (23 Mar 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...they just can come direct. The Welsh Government scheme will enable them to come direct to us for that support.  On the second question, the points you raised are reserved matters, but we can make representations on behalf of you and constituents to the UK Government. We're working very closely with the UK Government, clearly, in terms of all Ukrainian refugees who come to us. If it's the...

1. Questions to the Minister for Economy: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (23 Mar 2022)

Vaughan Gething: Well, I just don't think the Cardiff capital region are promoting a low-wage economy in what they're saying. I haven't read the exact text in the brochure, so I'm not going to say that I absolutely endorse or condemn what's there. I know from my conversations with the varied leadership of the region that they are not looking to promote this part of Wales as an area of cheap labour. They...

1. Questions to the First Minister: Questions Without Notice from the Party Leaders (22 Mar 2022)

Adam Price: ...that it had been forced to halt by the Court of Appeal because of concerns over its inbuilt racial bias. According to the UK Government's own biometrics and forensics ethics group, the lack of representation of ethnic minority faces in the training data on which the technology used by the police is based means it is more likely to identify innocent black people as criminals. This will...

8. Debate: The General Principles of the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill (15 Mar 2022)

Laura Anne Jones: ...the commission's governance reflects the breadth of education provision and research and the diversity of Wales, which you kindly recognised earlier. For example, increasing the worker and learner representation on the commission, as Jayne Bryant outlined earlier—hopefully, you can assure us today that that is something that you are looking to do. And that's not all, Minister. I believe...

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