Results 161–180 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Sarah Murphy -speaker:Adam Price -speaker:Joyce Watson -speaker:Jeremy Miles -speaker:Sarah Murphy

8. Debate: The General Principles of the Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Bill (15 Mar 2022)

Jayne Bryant: ...made recommendations in relation to the learner and worker associate members. The Bill provides for at least two worker and at least one learner representative. Whilst this sets the minimum, and not the maximum level, we think that the Bill should be more ambitious. The work of the commission will drive change across the sector, and it's imperative that the learner and worker voice is...

7. Debate: Amendment to the 2021-22 Local Government Settlement (15 Mar 2022)

Rebecca Evans: ...want to spend this on, again that's been in discussion with local government. You'll remember recently I announced an additional £70 million in capital; well, that came about following some strong representations that local government had made to me in respect of road repairs locally, for example. So, whilst it is up to local authorities to decide how to spend that funding—they do have...

6. Welsh Conservatives Debate: Ukraine ( 9 Mar 2022)

Jane Dodds: ...children. This small town took these children to its heart and those links still remain to this day. Today, more than 80 years since Jewish children were forced to flee their homes, there is another refugee crisis in Europe, as we've all spoken about. All over Europe, every state bar one has opened its borders to accept the many thousands of Ukrainians fleeing war without the need for...

2. Questions to the Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd: Species Recovery ( 9 Mar 2022)

Mark Isherwood: ..., the Sustainable Farming Scheme will be an important mechanism and source of funding to address habitat loss and species decline, including some of our iconic farmland birds such as the curlew. Representations from the Gylfinir Cymru Partnership will be considered by the Minister for Rural Affairs, North Wales and Trefnydd as the Sustainable Farming Scheme is developed.' But, with...

10. Debate: The Final Budget 2022-23 ( 8 Mar 2022)

Rebecca Evans: .... Reference has been made to the HS2 project. Even the UK Government's own analysis suggests that that project will harm Wales, and yet they consider it to be an England-and-Wales project and we do not get a single penny as a result of it. There have been requests for further funding to be injected into the NHS for capital spend. Well, it's a fact that, over the three years of the budget...

5. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: International Women’s Day ( 8 Mar 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...slightly in Wales this year. And women also—this point about childcare—remain four times more likely to cite childcare as the reason for being economically inactive. But also, intersectionally, representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic people and disabled people—among public appointments, we're making some changes, but it still remains low, and we need to look at the...

5. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: International Women’s Day ( 8 Mar 2022)

Sioned Williams: ...childcare is part of the Government's co-operation agreement with Plaid Cymru, but we know that this must really just be a first step. In a round-table discussion with Chwarae Teg last week, it was noted that, when looking at gender inequality data and assessing its root causes, it almost always comes back to the burden of caring responsibilities falling disproportionately on women. Their...

5. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: International Women’s Day ( 8 Mar 2022)

Natasha Asghar: ...3 per cent as a result of more flexible working and better childcare provision. However, it is worrying that the gender pay gap has increased from 11.8 per cent to 12.3 per cent. Sadly, this is not the full story. Regional disparities mean the gap can be as low as 1.9 per cent in Conwy but as high as 25 per cent in Torfaen. Can I ask, Minister, how you intend to address the widening gender...

4. Statement by the Minister for Economy: Stronger, Fairer, Greener Wales: A Plan for Employability and Skills ( 8 Mar 2022)

Luke Fletcher: ...linked to mental health: 43 per cent of unemployed people report poor mental health, compared to 27 per cent who are in employment. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has noted that job loss, of which there have been many in Wales over the pandemic period, is a traumatic experience in someone's life and has an immediate negative impact on their mental health....

3. Topical Questions: The United Kingdom and Aotearoa (New Zealand) Trade Agreement ( 2 Mar 2022)

Lesley Griffiths: We've worked with our industry stakeholders to identify the impacts on Welsh agriculture. This work underpinned our representations to the UK Government that any trade deal must not disadvantage Welsh farmers or compromise our high animal and environmental standards.

2. Questions to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language: Health and Social Care Students ( 2 Mar 2022)

Jeremy Miles: ...bursary, but they can access the social work bursary through Social Care Wales, and that provides them with funding towards the cost of their living and tuition fees. Obviously, I'm aware of the representations, including those to which the Member refers, that the bursary funding doesn't provide the same level of funding as its NHS counterpart, and we are currently reviewing and assessing...

10. Legislative Consent Motion on the Subsidy Control Bill ( 1 Mar 2022)

Alun Davies: what you said; you say that we've had an opportunity to design a specific UK-wide subsidy control regime in this instance. Do you, therefore, regret that the UK Government has ignored all the representations made by both the Welsh Government and this Senedd?

10. Legislative Consent Motion on the Subsidy Control Bill ( 1 Mar 2022)

Darren Millar: I don't believe that it has ignored the representations that have been made.

5. Statement by the Minister for Social Justice: Period Dignity ( 1 Mar 2022)

Jane Hutt: ...their mark. In terms of local authorities—and I recall when Elyn Stephens was taking this forward—actually, local authorities have embraced this. We have a round-table, we have local authority representation, officers from the council. We must never forget our officers, must we, because councillors can say, 'We want this, we want that', but actually, the officers have to deliver. I...

Emergency Question: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine ( 1 Mar 2022)

Jane Dodds: ...Kingdom Nationality and Borders Bill. I hope that, with humility and reflection, there will be a pause on this Bill. We have heard about the moderate shift today from the UK Government, but it is not enough. Prif Weinidog, can I seek your views on the Nationality and Borders Bill and whether you will continue to make representations to the UK Government on the concerns that have been...

6. Debate on petition P-05-949 Save Cowbridge Old Girls' School from Demolition (16 Feb 2022)

Jack Sargeant: her own constituency, and that those decisions that are made should be in line with the well-being of future generations Act. Heledd Fychan claimed we should be looking at new leases of life—not just saving buildings of historical importance, but new leases of life, reimagining buildings, and going further than perhaps we do already. And then, coming to the Minister's response, the...

6. Debate on petition P-05-949 Save Cowbridge Old Girls' School from Demolition (16 Feb 2022)

Dawn Bowden: ...Again, you need to listen to the rest of what I'm going to say, because I am dealing with how I feel that buildings like this do need to be dealt with. I do recognise that what I've said so far is not the answer that the campaigners want to hear, and I know that they have requested a peer review by heritage organisations in England and Scotland, but further review is inappropriate as a...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Local Government elections (16 Feb 2022)

Llyr Gruffydd: ...on both of our accounts, then, isn't it? I hear what people are saying about the sizes of wards, but, do you know what, look at what happened in Anglesey? Now, I know this isn't proportional representation, but because of the situation that Anglesey found itself in years ago, with single-member wards et cetera, and the kind of fiefdoms that were really dragging the council down, it's this...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Local Government elections (16 Feb 2022)

Sam Rowlands: ...points you just raised there in terms of that consultation, Mike Hedges made some really important points around how sparse some of these areas could be, and therefore the risk, with proportional representation, of losing that local touch, because, actually, it's such a big area to cover, and the fundamentals of councils and councillors are actually about being connected to their...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Local Government elections (16 Feb 2022)

Jane Dodds: ...and we have done for years, to get people more interested. And as you've heard in terms of the statistics, it really isn't helping. Simply put, first-past-the-post cheats voters of real, meaningful representation, and also disenfranchises them from voting. A more proportional system for all elections, including council elections, can foster greater collaboration, greater accountability and...

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