Results 1–20 of 1320 for representations -taxation speaker:Kirsty Williams -speaker:Samuel Kurtz -speaker:Michelle Brown -speaker:David Rowlands -speaker:Michelle Brown -speaker:Darren Millar

6. Motion to amend Standing Orders — Proxy voting (29 Mar 2023)

Jane Dodds: ...sure that people who are carers, who are parents, who are parents to be, and those suffering from ill health, have the opportunity to have time from the Senedd when they don't need to worry about representation or about the business of the Senedd. And that's what a compassionate, caring Parliament should be about. So, I welcome this proposal. It is about a modern Senedd, and I urge you all...

3. Questions to the Senedd Commission: Photosensitive Epilepsy (29 Mar 2023)

Sioned Williams: ...campaigner on epilepsy, a condition she herself lives with. The point of the Equal Power Equal Voice programme is to break down barriers to democratic participation, and increase diversity of representation. The Senedd estate itself therefore must play its part if the Commission supports these aims. Becci has photosensitive epilepsy, which means she can experience seizures triggered by...

1. Questions to the Minister for Social Justice: Prepayment Meters (29 Mar 2023)

Jane Hutt: Thank you very much, Peredur. I just want to say that, yesterday, I had a very useful and constructive meeting with the Enforcement Conduct Board. Following contributions and representations made in this Chamber, I had approached the Enforcement Conduct Board and asked them if they could play a role in accrediting those who were enforcement agencies for utilities. And I have to say that I was...

13. Legislative Consent Motion on the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill (28 Mar 2023)

Mick Antoniw: the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee for its scrutiny in respect of the LCM and the supplementary LCMs and their detailed report, much of which I agree with, as has already been noted in my response of 9 March. As I tried to explain, we are in a very undesirable situation not of our own making. As the Welsh Government, we continue to explain to the UK Government what is...

8. Statement by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language: Adnodd — Supporting the Curriculum for Wales (28 Mar 2023)

Jeremy Miles: ..., as well as educational and additional educational needs experience and expertise. We will be looking for two more board members in the next six months, specifically to ensure that we have representation from black, Asian and ethnic minority communities. The board will consult with representatives from these communities in the meantime, to ensure that full consideration of black, Asian...

3. Statement by the Minister for Economy: The Free-port Programme in Wales (28 Mar 2023)

Carolyn Thomas: Thank you for clarifying for Conservative Members that it was the Welsh Labour Government who worked hard to ensure we received parity of seed funding with England of £26 million—not the £8 million previously offered—as well as protection for workers' rights and environmental protections. I say this because these made-in-Wales conditions are the reason I also finally agreed to support...

7. Plaid Cymru Debate: Bus emergency scheme (22 Mar 2023)

Heledd Fychan: this point in time are the services that people in our communities currently use and rely on, and the risk to the future of that service. That's why we're putting forward this debate, because of representations by those directly affected by proposed cuts to services. Looking at census data, which is really interesting, when you drill down in terms of car ownership, you get a picture of...

5. Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv): Prepayment meters and energy advice services (22 Mar 2023)

Jane Hutt: ...national scandal the way consumers, often the poorest in our communities, have been treated. Jack Sargeant has been at the forefront of the campaign to expose this scandal, and the Welsh Government not only welcomes, but supports this motion today. I thank all the Members who've spoken today and contributed. It's good to see the whole of the Senedd—you've united us all behind your motion...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (22 Mar 2023)

Rebecca Evans: I'm really keen to impress upon UK Labour the same argument that we've been making to HM Treasury in terms of the fiscal flexibilities that Wales needs. Our borrowing powers are not fit for purpose, really, in the sense that we have such a limited annual ability to borrow. I think that that obviously needs to be addressed. The year-end issues really need to be addressed in the sense that our...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Questions Without Notice from Party Spokespeople (22 Mar 2023)

Rebecca Evans: The Welsh Government does work very, very closely with the tourism sector, and we do listen very carefully to the representations that they make on behalf of their members. I think that Sam Rowlands will recognise that we are trying to strike a balance here between supporting the tourism industry and allowing that to thrive and supporting that to thrive, but at the same time recognising that...

1. Questions to the Minister for Finance and Local Government: Women County Councillors (22 Mar 2023)

Mark Isherwood: ...been proud to host and speak at both the 2022 and 2023 Equal Power Equal Voice Senedd events, celebrating the Equal Power Equal Voice project, a mentoring programme aiming to increase diversity of representation in public and political life in Wales. Equal Power Equal Voice, or EPEV, is a partnership between Women's Equality Network Wales, Stonewall Cymru, Disability Wales, and Ethnic...

3. Questions to the Minister for Climate Change: Access to Public Transport (14 Mar 2023)

Lee Waters: is in St Clears, and that is very much part of our thinking, so we'll be following that process closely. Fundamentally, of course, this is rail infrastructure, and rail infrastructure is not devolved. It should be for the UK Government to be fully funding rail infrastructure, and perhaps we can work together to make representations to them to help us fill any shortfall.

2. Questions to the Minister for Health and Social Services: Gambling Addiction ( 8 Mar 2023)

Rhianon Passmore: ..., Deputy Minister, what does the Welsh Government intend to do to assess our current ability in Wales to diagnose people with problem gambling, refer them to appropriate pathways for help, and what representations can the Welsh Government make to the UK Government on a much-speculated White Paper on the future of gambling in the United Kingdom?

Group 9: Social public works clauses (Amendments 5, 6, 12) ( 7 Mar 2023)

Peredur Owen Griffiths: ...had with the Minister following Stage 2, and this matter, and I'm pleased to bring forward amendment 5, which adds additional protected characteristics to the face of the Bill. As well as improving representation of these groups within and the diversity of the workforce at the most fundamental level, we envisage that expanding the improvements sought through the employment category of this...

Group 4: Nominations to the SPC by Wales TUC Cymru (Amendments 2, 27) ( 7 Mar 2023)

Hannah Blythyn: Diolch, Llywydd. It might be worth recapping the background to this issue for the benefit of those Members who've not been so closely involved in the passage of the Bill as the members of the scrutiny committee and me. As Peredur set out in his opening remarks, during the committee stages of scrutiny, concerns were raised by some parties in relation to the role of Wales TUC as the body that...

Group 4: Nominations to the SPC by Wales TUC Cymru (Amendments 2, 27) ( 7 Mar 2023)

Peredur Owen Griffiths: Diolch, Llywydd. I wish to make it clear from the outset that this is a probing amendment, designed to ensure the maximum possible plurality for the social partnership council. It's not designed to slight anyone, nor any organisation. It is submitted in good faith to ensure that the voices heard as part of the new and influential council are drawn from as wide a pool as possible. This...

2. Business Statement and Announcement ( 7 Mar 2023)

Janet Finch-Saunders: ...individuals participated in the Welsh building safety crisis meeting held here, and it was disappointing—and I'll put in on record—that whilst we did have Rhys ab Owen and Jane Dodds, there was not a single representative from the Government or any of its elected Member. As a few residents put it to us, 'Labour's absence of representation last night is evidence of the lack of empathy...

6. Plaid Cymru Debate: Industrial relations ( 1 Mar 2023)

Peredur Owen Griffiths: ...Bill will contain a statutory social partnership duty on public bodies to seek consensus or compromise with trade unions, overseen by the social partnership council, which will include trade union representation, it's difficult to envisage how these fair work goals can be compatible in any way with the anti-strike Bill legislation, which is designed to seek antagonism and coercion over...

6. Plaid Cymru Debate: Industrial relations ( 1 Mar 2023)

Mabon ap Gwynfor: You say that you want us to follow the French and Italian models, and the legislative framework around employment laws are different there. Not only do they have different laws around strikes, but they've got better representation of workers on their boards. So, if you want us to have the same rules around employment as they do in France, why don't we have the same rules with getting workers...

2. Questions to the Counsel General and Minister for the Constitution: Women's Pensions ( 1 Mar 2023)

Mick Antoniw: ...2016, the Welsh Government has been writing to the UK Government to highlight our concerns regarding the communication of changes to the women’s state pension age? I will continue to make those representations. I will have to access the correspondence in respect of the replies that we have had, and I can write to you separately about that. What I can also say though, is, of course, the...

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