QNR – in the Senedd on 4 July 2017.
Earlier this year, we announced £500,000 of funding, for 2017-18, to help accelerate the roll-out of the Welsh Local Government Association’s summer holiday programme, Food and Fun. This programme provides a free, healthy breakfast and lunch, along with a suite of enriching and educational activities that seek to tackle learning loss.
The procurement exercise to secure an operator and development partner to operate the next Wales and borders rail services contract is currently under way. It remains our ambition to award the contract by the end of the year, however, the general election may have caused some delays.
It is far too early to know if any change to regulation will be necessary in light of the Grenfell Tower tragedy. We are working to ensure all relevant cladding is identified and tested. Our focus is on all residential high-rise, regardless of tenure and other public sector estate. Anything found to be, or suspected to be, aluminium composite material will be tested.
Our views align with those of the joint Healthcare Inspectorate Wales/Wales Audit Office review—that the health board is clearly moving in the right direction. Leadership has been strengthened, the board is working more effectively and the special measures arrangements are clearly helping to focus attention in specific areas where action and further progress is required.
Our priorities are to support businesses in their growth, to invest in high-quality infrastructure, and to improve conditions for business.
Welsh Government’s priority is to provide the people of Pembrokeshire with health services that deliver the best possible outcomes for patients. We will be guided by the best and most up-to-date clinical evidence and advice to deliver high-quality care that the people of Pembrokeshire deserve.
The reforms that were announced in November in response to the Diamond review will create a sustainable and progressive higher education funding settlement for Wales that supports students when they most need it, and enables our universities to compete domestically and internationally.
We are developing a strategic approach based on prosperity for all, enabling all of Wales to benefit from economic growth and the opportunity and security it brings.