Motion NDM6745 as amended:
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:
1. Recognises the vital contribution made by Wales’s health and social care workforce.
2. Believes that a valued, supported and healthy workforce will be key in driving forward the transformation NHS Wales needs to be sustainable in the future.
3. Welcomes the Welsh Government’s commitment to:
a) publish a comprehensive integrated strategy for Wales’s health and social care workforce in 2019 to ensure our services are able to address future demand for safe and high quality services;
b) make NHS Wales an exemplar employer through its support for well-being at work by developing robust policies that support the health, well-being and continual professional development of the health and social care workforce.
4. Calls for the opening of a centre for medical education in Bangor and the expansion of medical education across Wales to ensure every region has the health workforce it requires.
5. Calls for future health and social care workforce plans to include robust targets for providing a bilingual workforce and details of how existing NHS staff will be encouraged and supported to learn Welsh.