Motion NDM6738 as amended:
To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:
1. Notes that 11-17 June is Carers Week 2018.
2. Recognises the vital contribution made to Welsh society by the roles undertaken by Wales’s estimated 370,000 unpaid carers of all ages.
3. Recognises that unpaid carers of all ages save the NHS and social services in Wales over £8bn per year, yet a vast majority of carers feel their contribution is not valued or understood.
4. Acknowledges that the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 gives carers a right to have their own needs as a carer assessed and for assessed and eligible needs to be met by local authorities.
5. Welcomes the Welsh Government’s national priorities for carers and the formation of a Ministerial Advisory Group on Carers to ensure the implementation of the Social Services and Well-being Act makes a real difference in the lives of carers in Wales.
6. Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure consistency across all parts of Wales in the roll-out of a young carers’ card, which should include access to discounted transport.
7. Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure all pharmacies are implementing the guidance on allowing young carers to pick up prescription medication on behalf of those they care for.
8. Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure young carers receive appropriate training in the administering of medication for those they care for.